E-commerce 2075
Attempt all questions.
Section A (3x10=30)
1. Differentiate pure e-commerce from partial e-commerce with an example. Describe what features make e-commerce better than traditional commerce.
2. How preserving confidentiality and integrity ensures security in e-commerce? Discuss various mechanisms used to ensure data and message security in e-commerce systems.
3. What is a structured document? How the issues like document constituency, document-oriented process and document-based framework flows are considered in a document infrastructure?
Section B (6x5=30)
4. How does e-cash work? List the properties that an e-cash should have?
5. How EDI is used between freight forwarders, international trade, and customs?
6. Differentiate impulsive, patient, and analytical buyers in a mercantile process model.
7. How middleware and structures document interchange. Ensures transparency, transaction security & management, and distributed object management & services in the architectural framework for e-commerce?
8. What do you mean by internet governance? Mention the role of internet society in internet governance.
9. What is the information superhighway? Discuss its components.