E-Governance 2067
Group A
Long Answer Questions:
Attempt any two: (2x10=20)
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1. What is E-Governance? Discuss critical flow model and comparative analysis model in detail.
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2. Define the terms data warehousing and data mining. Discuss key areas that demand the use of data warehousing and data mining.
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3. Discuss E-Governance initiatives taken by government of Nepal in present context.
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Group B
Short Answer Questions:
Attempt any eight : (8x5=40)
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4. Discuss the needs of E-Governance.
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5. What are the issues related to E-governance application? Why do we need to consider these issues?
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6. How can we use E-Governance models to achieve good governance? Discuss.
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7. What are different levels in maturity model?
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8. Discuss human infrastructural preparedness for E-readiness.
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9. What is technology infrastructural preparedness for E-readiness? Discuss.
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10. How can we use data warehousing and data mining concepts in census data? Discuss.
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11. What are the goals that data mining attempts to facilitate?
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12. Discuss in brief about E-Governance in China.
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13. Write short note on:
a. Cyber Law
b. G2C2G
c. Digital divide
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