E-Governance 2069
Group A
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Long Answer Questions:
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Attempt any two:(2*10=20)
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1. What do you understand by Models of digital Governance? Explain wider dissemination model referring to its principle, application, evaluation and various projects based on this model.
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2. " E-Governance has helped to reach the unreached". Explain the statement with reference to the major undertakings in Nepal.
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3. Define E-readiness in E-governance applications and the digital divide.
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Group B
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Short Answer Questions:
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Attempt any eight:(8*5 = 50)
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4. What is E-governance? Explain Its major benefits.
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5. Explain the issues in E-governance applications and the digital divide.
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7. Explain about leadership and strategic planning in E-governance services.
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8. Discuss about E-governance initiatives in Nepal and the challenges faced during the workouts.
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9. What is an E-governance maturity model? Explain the various maturity levels of E-governance.
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10."E-governance evolves gradually from the simplest level to advanced levels".Justify.
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11. Define cyber law focusing its essence. Explain the major provisions of cyber law of Nepal.
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12. What is data warehousing? Explain the various implementations of data ware housing and data mining in E-governance.
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13. Write short note on: (Any Two)
a. Need of E-governance
b. Good governance through E-governance
c. E-governance trends in developed and developing countries
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