E-Governance 2070
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Attempt any two questions :(2*10=20)
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1.) What is e-governance? Why do we need it? Discuss its scope and content in detail.
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2.) Discuss broadcasting/wider dissemination model and comparative analysis model of e-governance along with applications.
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3.) Define the terms data warehousing and data mining. Discuss key areas that demand the use of data warehousing and data mining.
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Section B
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Attempt any eight questions :(8*5=40)
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4.) Discuss different IT tools that are used to deliver services to citizens.
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5.) Discuss the realized level of maturity model in detail.
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6.) How can we achieve good governance through e-governance models? Explain.
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7.) What is e-readiness? Discuss data system infrastructural preparedness of e-readiness.
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8.) How can we use data warehousing and data mining to prepare the government to face the challenges of the new millennium. Discuss.
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9.) What is cyber law? Discuss the current scenario of cyber law in Nepal.
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10.) Mention the current scenario of e-governance in Nepal.
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11.) What are characteristics of maturity level? Explain in detail.
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12.) Discuss key focus areas of maturity levels in detail.
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13.) Write short notes :
a.) Digital divide
b.) Legal infrastructural preparedness
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