Network Security 2078
Attempt all questions.
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1. Define passive attack and active attack. Explain the OSI security architecture.
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2. What are the disadvantages of asymmetric cryptography ? Describe the components of Public Key Infrastructure.
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3. What are the principle differences between version 4 and version 5 of Kerberos? Differentiate between pre-shared key and extensible authentication protocol for authenticating devices onto a wireless networks.
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4. Explain different services provided by PGP.
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5. Explain the principle categories of SET participants.
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6. What type of vulnerability ensure of cyber security? List the types of SSL protocols.
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7. What does IP security policy means? Why does ESP include a padding field?
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8. Define public key certificate. List the requirements for the use of public key certificate scheme.
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9. What are web security issues? Describe remote user authentication principles.
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10. Write short notes on(Any Two)
b. Transport mode and tunnel mode
c. Secure Shell(SSH)
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