Object Oriented Programming in Java 2019
Group B
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Attempt any SIX questions. [6x5 = 30]
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2. Define OOP. Explain features of Object Oriented Programming Language. [1 + 4]
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3. Explain different types of control statements used in java. [5]
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4. Define Abstract Class. Explain different types of Access controls available in java.[1 + 4]
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5. Define method overriding? Write any program to implement concept of multiple inheritance in Java. [1 + 4]
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6. Why it is important to handle exception in java? Write a program to illustrate the use of exception handling. [1 + 4]
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7. Define the use of static keyword. Write any four String methods used in java with example. [1 + 4]
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8. Define super, final and this keyword in java. Explain the concept of MVC in brief. [1 + 1 + 1 + 2]
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Group C
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Attempt any TWO questions. [2x10 = 20]
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9. a) Define multithreading. Write a java program to show the inter-thread communication. [1 + 4]
b) Define Stream. Write a program in java to copy the content from one file to another. [1 + 4]
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10. a) Define Collection Class. Explain different Wrapper classes and associated methods in java. [1+4]
b) Define AWT. Explain different types of Layout Managers in java. [1 + 4]
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11. a) List and explain any five swing controls with their uses. [5]
b) Define JDBC. Write a program to display all records from a table of database. [1 + 4]
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