Object Oriented Programming in Java 2019-Objective
Group A
AI is thinking...
Attempt all the questions. [10x1 = 10]
AI is thinking...
i) Which one of the following is not a valid java bitwise operator?
a) >> b) << c) >>> d) <<<
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ii) Which one of the following keyword is used to declare an exception?
a) throws b) throw c) try d) catch
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iii) Which of these is an incorrect array declaration?
a) int ary[] = new int[5]; b) int[] ary = new int[5]; c) int ary = int[5] new; d) int ary[]; ary = new int[5];
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iv) Which one of the following access specifier is appropriate for members of superclass to
access only from subclass?
a) private b) protected c) public d) default
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v) Which one of the following is not a collection class defined in java?
a) Linked List b) Hash Set c) Tree Set d) Graph Set
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vi) Which one of the following inheritance is best implanted using interface in java?
a) single inheritance b) multi-level inheritance c) multiple inheritance d) hierarchical inheritance
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vii) Which one of the following method is called only once during the run time of your applet?
a) stop() b) paint() c) init() d) start()
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viii) Which of these method of class String is used to compare two String objects for their equality?
a) equals() b) Equals() c) is Equal() d) Is Equal()
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ix) What is the default value of priority variable MIN_PRIORITY and MAX_PRIORITY?
a) 0 & 63 b) 1 & 10 c) 0 & 1 d) 1 & 32
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x) Which one of the following is not java swing container?
a) Panel b) Tabbed Pane c) Scroll Pane d) Scroll bar
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