Object Oriented Programming in Java 2020
Group B
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Attempt any SIX questions.
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2. Define OOP. Write the characteristics of OOP language.
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3. Explain the operators available in Java programming.
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4. Define loop. Write a java program to print first n prime numbers.
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4. Differentiate between abstract class and interface with suitable example.
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6. Define access modifier. Explain access modifiers in java with examples.
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7. Define exception. Explain exception handling mechanism in java with example.
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8. Write short note on (Any Two):
a) final keyword b) Collection class c) JDBC
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Group C
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Attempt any TWO questions.
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9. a) Write a program to create and use the java package.
b) Define thread. Explain the life cycle of thread.
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10. a) Write a program to sort name of any five cities in ascending order.
b) Define polymorphism. How do we achieve polymorphism in java explain with example?
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11.a) Differentiate between java AWT and java Swing. Explain the different types of layout managers in java GUI programming.
b) Write a java GUI program to calculate square of entered number.
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