Object Oriented Programming in Java 2021
Group B
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Attempt any SIX questions.
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2. Explain features of Object oriented concept in detail.
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3. What is a continue statement? Write a program in java that displays the sum of odd integers of an array.
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4. What is parameterized constructor? Explain with an example.
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5. Explain method overloading in java with proper example.
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6. What is the use of 'this' and 'super' keyword? Explain with examples.
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7. Defined exception. How exceptions are handled in java? Explain with a proper example.
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8. Write short notes on(Any Two):
a) Interface b) Access modifiers c) JDBC
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Group C
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Attempt any TWO questions.
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9. a) Define inheritance. Explain the use of "extends" keyword in java.
b) What is an abstract class? Explain its use with an example.
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10. a) List and explain any five String methods used in Java with examples.
b) Differentiate between byte stream and character stream.Write a program to copy the content of a file to another file using streams.
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11. a) Create the following GUI form in java that checks a number entered in the text box is even or odd.
b) Differentiate AWT with swing. Explain any two layout management in Java.
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