Sociology 2077
Group A
Long Answer Questions.
Attempt any two questions. (2 x 10 = 20)
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1. Define and discuss about view point of sociology? How the information technology and sociology is interrelated? Briefly explain.
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2. What is modernity and post-modernity? Critically discuss the effect of information technology in the process of modernization?
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3. What is social change? Discuss the nature and characteristics along with factors responsible for social change?
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Group B
Short Answer Questions.
Attempt any eight questions. (8 x 5 = 40)
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4. "Culture is known as a fundamental concept of society". Critically discuss.
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5. What is meant by social code? Critically discuss the effect of social code in individual life?
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6. Discuss the impact of Information Technology in the society?
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7. Define marriage. Discuss the changing practices of marriage system in present day in Nepalese society?
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8. Discuss the concept of development and social progress? Is there any relationship between these two? Clarify?
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9. The concept of social change is different from development and progress. Critically Discuss.
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10. Differentiate between Caste and Class with suitable example?
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11. Discuss the need of Information technology while making social policy , social planning?
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12. Write short note on:
a) Social Structure
b) Ethnic and Racial groups.
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