Sociology 2078
Section A
Long Answer Questions.
Attempt any two questions. (2 x 10 = 20)
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1. Define sociological perspective. Critically analyse the key notions of functional and conflicet perspective in sociology.
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2. What are the main components of culture? Critically discuss on symbols, language, cultural values, Norms and cultural beliefs.
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3. Describe major forms of social structure with key features in relation to the effects of information technology.
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Section B
Short Answer Questions.
Attempt any eight questions. (8 x 5 = 40)
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4. Discuss the impact of information technology in the existing social structure of Nepal.
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5. Explain the changing trends of Nepalese culture in 21st century.
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6. What is social structure? Discuss its types.
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7. What is social differentiation and stratification? Discuss with special references of Nepalese society.
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8. Critically discuss the effect of information technology in social change?
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9. "Information technology is one of major forms of social structure". Justify.
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10. What is social change? What are the factors responsible for social change?
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11. What is social problem? How does sociological knowledge contribution in coping with these social problems? Clarify.
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12. Write short note on:
a. Social class and caste
b. Mass communication
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