Software Project Management 2077
Group A
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Long answer questions (Attempt any two)(2 x 10 = 20)
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1. Explain about software product attributes.Explain the project management cycle and SPM framework.
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2. Differentiate between project life cycle. What do you mean by project planning and scheduling.
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3. Explain the software configuration management with its roles and tasks.
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Group B
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Short answer questions(Attempt any eight) (8 x 5 = 40)
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4. Explain the various steps involved in stepwise project planning?
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5. Explain the process of analysis the cost benefit in project evaluation.
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6. Explain the rapid application development.
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7. What are the factors needed for allocating a task? Explain.
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8. Discuss about change control with example.
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9. Explain about the selecting the right person for the job.
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10. Explain the major sections of a Software Quality Assurance plan.
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11. Explain the process of effort estimation using function point analysis with example.
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12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of COCOMO?
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13. Write short notes on:
(a) SQA plan
(b) SPM tools
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