Software Project Management - Unit Wise Questions

Questions Organized by Units
Unit 1: Introduction to Software Project Management
41 Questions

1. Perform Earned Value Analysis of the given project.(10)

The progress after the end of 12th day is as follows:

Calculate SV, SPI,CV and CPI respectively.

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1. What is software project management? How software project differs from other projects?

10 marks
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We are greatful to  Manish Kumar Shah , Sushma Godwari College Itahari for answering this question

How Software Project is differs from others?

Many of the techniques of general Project Management are applicable to software Project management but (Fried Books) Pointed out that the Products of software Projects have certain characteristics that make them different

->One Way of perceiving software project management is as the process of making visible that which is invisible. Invisibility:- When a physical artefact such as a bridge or road is being constructed the progress being made can easily be seen .With Software progress is not immediately seen. This is invisibility in progress is software project means customer of software project can't see the outcome in middle of project, because customer's don't know about coding and other technical work and s we know an incomplete project will not give outcome. consequently it becomes very difficult to satisfy customers of software project that actually their work is being done by them. Complexity:- We can't measure complexity of software project until we actually work on it. Flexibility:- One good Point of Software Project is that, they are flexible. Customer only wants final result, so rest of things are in control of programmer, he can modify software at any stage. Conformity:-Software Project are based on logical work ,while other are passed on physical work. Software developers have to conform to the requirement of human clients.

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1. Outline the contents of a Software Project Management plan and explain in detail.

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1. Explain the important activities that a software project manager performs during software project planning.

10 marks
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Answered by Daneci

Project planning process consists of the following activities. Any software project manager performs these tasks during software planning. Identification of project requirements: Before starting a project, it is essential to identify the project requirements as identification of project requirements helps in performing the activities in a systematic manner. These requirements comprise information such as project scope, data and functionality required in the software, and roles of the project management team members. Identification of cost estimates: Along with the estimation of effort and time, it is necessary to estimate the cost that is to be incurred on a project. The cost estimation includes the cost of hardware, network connections, and the cost required for the maintenance of hardware components. In addition, cost is estimated for the individuals involved in the project. Identification of risks: Risks are unexpected events that have an adverse effect on the project. Software project involves several risks (like technical risks and business risks) that affect the project schedule and increase the cost of the project. Identifying risks before a project begins helps in understanding their probable extent of impact on the project. Identification of critical success factors: For making a project successful, critical success factors are followed. These factors refer to the conditions that ensure greater chances of success of a project. Generally, these factors include support from management, appropriate budget, appropriate schedule, and skilled software engineers. Preparation of project charter: A project charter provides a brief description of the project scope, quality, time, cost, and resource constraints as described during project planning. It is prepared by the management for approval from the sponsor of the project. Preparation of project plan: A project plan provides information about the resources that are available for the project, individuals involved in the project, and the schedule according to which the project is to be carried out. Commencement of the project: Once the project planning is complete and resources are assigned to team members, the software project commences.

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1. What is project? Explain different phases of project planning.

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1. Explain the software engineering problem. What do you mean by software project management? Explain.

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1. Explain the project management cycle. What are the five competencies of project management skills? Explain

10 marks
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Answered by Anonymous

Project management is the application of methodologies, tools and processes to successfully plan and execute projects. Project management intelligently makes use of teams and resources to complete project activities within the boundaries of time, cost and scope. Initiation: Project initiation is the starting point of any project. In this process, all the activities related to winning a project takes place. Usually, the main activity of this phase is the pre-sale. During the pre-sale period, the service provider proves the eligibility and ability of completing the project to the client and eventually wins the business. Then, it is the detailed requirements gathering which comes next. During the requirements gathering activity, all the client requirements are gathered and analysis for implementation. In this activity, negotiations may take place to change certain requirements or remove certain requirements altogether Planning: Project planning is one of the main project management processes. If the project management team gets this step wrong, there could be heavy negative consequences during the next phases of the project. Therefore, the project management team will have to pay detailed attention to this process of the project. In this process, the project plan is derived in order to address the project requirements such as, requirements scope, budget and timelines. Once the project plan is derived, then the project schedule is developed. Depending on the budget and the schedule, the resources are then allocated to the project. This phase is the most important phase when it comes to project cost and effort. Executing: After all paperwork is done, in this phase, the project management executes the project in order to achieve project objectives. When it comes to execution, each member of the team carries out their own assignments within the given deadline for each activity. The detailed project schedule will be used for tracking the project progress. During the project execution, there are many reporting activities to be done. The senior management of the company will require daily or weekly status updates on the project progress. In addition to that, the client may also want to track the progress of the project. During the project execution, it is a must to track the effort and cost of the project in order to determine whether the project is progressing in the right direction or not. Control and Validation: During the project life cycle, the project activities should be thoroughly controlled and validated. The controlling can be mainly done by adhering to the initial protocols such as project plan, quality assurance test plan and communication plan for the project. Sometimes, there can be instances that are not covered by such protocols. In such cases, the project manager should use adequate and necessary measurements in order to control such situations. Validation is a supporting activity that runs from first day to the last day of a project. Each and every activity and delivery should have its own validation criteria in order to verify the successful outcome or the successful completion Closeout and Evaluation: Once all the project requirements are achieved, it is time to hand over the implemented system and closeout the project. If the project deliveries are in par with the acceptance criteria defined by the client, the project will be duly accepted and paid by the customer Five competencies of project management skills are: a) Communication: One of the most important skills for project managers is great communication. Good communication and effective leadership typically go hand-in-hand. Project management involves leading teams from different departments who may not be used to working together. Members may have different skills and may be expected to bring something unique to the table. A communicator who can provide clear instructions and expectations for their teams may increase work productivity and efficiency. b) Time Managements: The ability to manage time and prioritize tasks is an essential characteristic of efficient project managers. Workers may respond better to managers who are able to stay on task, avoid procrastination and complete work on time. In addition to personal time management, project managers must be able to maximize productivity and minimize distractions in several key project areas. c) Organizational Awareness: There are several different types of organizational structure in project management and all have an impact on management style. In businesses with a functional organizational structure, a traditional business hierarchy tasks senior executives with overall project quality. In a project-based organizational structure, project teams are given a degree of autonomy to manage projects as they see fit, ultimately placing project managers in positions of overall responsibility. Awareness of how an organization is structured and how project teams are formed is very important for project management professionals. Managers must have a clear sense of the current chain of command and whether they or senior executives will bear responsibility for final deliverables. d) Leadership: It may seem obvious, but strong leadership skills are crucial for project managers. This trait combines strong communication skills with a calm temperament and a positive, can-do approach to problem solving. Leaders must also be able to form and manage teams and communicate with stakeholders. Effective project managers tend to be excellent decision-makers and are able to delegate responsibilities to the team members most equipped to handle them. e) Problem Solving: Project management tends to follow a specific problem-solving framework. While each of these points can certainly be discussed in further detail, successful project managers generally have at the very least a basic understanding of the following ordered problem-solving approach. • Be proactive in finding new, potential problems rather than waiting to see if anything goes wrong. • Clearly define the problem and what you are trying to solve to help provide a clear set of objectives and a pathway to success. • Analyze the problem in detail to uncover any variables that may help identify the root of the issue.

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1. Explain about software product attributes.Explain the project management cycle and SPM framework.

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2. Differentiate between programme management and portfolio management. Define Payback period. How can it be used as an evaluation technique? What are its advantages and disadvantages?(5+2+1+2)

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2. Differentiate between project life cycle. What do you mean by project planning and scheduling.

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3. Suppose you have been assigned to develop online voting system. List four risks that might affect the success of the system. Rank the risks based on Risk exposure. Develop contingency plan for the highest ranked risk.(2+6+2)

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3. Explain the software configuration management with its roles and tasks.

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4. Calculate ROI for the following project.(5)

5 marks
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4. Explain the SPM framework.

5 marks
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Answered by: Raj kumar sunar

A project management framework consists of the processes, tasks, and tools used to take a project from start to finish. It encompasses all the key components required for planning, managing, and governing projects. The project management framework can be broken into three parts: 1. Project life cycle This is the cycle a project goes through from beginning to end. It consists of five phases: Initiation: This is where you define what the project actually is. You can outline your objectives in a project charter and identify any potential risks. Planning: In this phase, you list all the project tasks in a detailed roadmap. Estimate how long each one will take, create deadlines, and add assignees. Execution: Put the plan into action. Teams commence work on project tasks and align their schedules to achieve key deliverables. Monitoring and controlling: Project managers oversee progress by tracking team performance, creating reports, and readjusting priorities if necessary. Closure: The final phase incorporates the results achieved when all project tasks are completed. A project manager will analyze these results and plan the next steps.

2. Project control cycle The control cycle is the process of monitoring and controlling the project. 3. Tools and templates Project plans, project management reports, and risk logs are common tools and templates for managing projects. Project framework examples There are many project management frameworks you can choose to use. Here are six of the most common ones: PRINCE2: This framework is highly structured with a heavy emphasis on upfront planning.

CCPM: Critical chain project management focuses primarily on resource allocation across the project.

Lean: A lean framework focuses on minimizing wasted effort and resources. Process improvement techniques are often incorporated into this framework.

XPM: Extreme project management was designed for complex projects that occur in fast-changing environments. Emphasis is on stakeholder management as plans and schedules are rapidly changing.

Scrum: This framework was also designed for industries undergoing rapid change. Using this framework, projects are often broken down and planned in 2-4 week sprints.

Waterfall: This framework is one of the traditional approaches to project management. Waterfall requires a project to be planned from beginning to end, with no phase of a project beginning until the previous one has ended.

How to choose a project management framework One single framework does not work for all projects, which is why so many of them have been created over the years. When deciding which framework is best for your project, consider the following: If your industry, technology, or product is fast-changing, an adaptable framework such as XPM or Scrum is recommended. If the project deliverable is not well defined and is intangible in nature (such as software), a sprint-based approach (such as Scrum) may work best. If the project is well defined and stable, planning it out in its entirety decreases risks. Therefore, PRINCE2 or Waterfall should work best. Frameworks may be chosen based on what your organization and stakeholders are familiar with. If your company has never completed an XPM project before, introducing one may be difficult. The priorities of your stakeholders will impact your framework. If waste is a critical concern, a lean framework may be chosen. Frameworks are designed to be flexible and adapt to a project’s needs. It may be that you will end up borrowing pieces of separate frameworks as the circumstances of your project change.

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5. Differentiate between activity-based approach and hybrid-based approach for identifying activities.(5)

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4. List out the activities used in SPM.

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4. Explain about SPM framework.

5 marks
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Answered by: Raj kumar sunar

A project management framework consists of the processes, tasks, and tools used to take a project from start to finish. It encompasses all the key components required for planning, managing, and governing projects. The project management framework can be broken into three parts: 1. Project life cycle This is the cycle a project goes through from beginning to end. It consists of five phases: Initiation: This is where you define what the project actually is. You can outline your objectives in a project charter and identify any potential risks. Planning: In this phase, you list all the project tasks in a detailed roadmap. Estimate how long each one will take, create deadlines, and add assignees. Execution: Put the plan into action. Teams commence work on project tasks and align their schedules to achieve key deliverables. Monitoring and controlling: Project managers oversee progress by tracking team performance, creating reports, and readjusting priorities if necessary. Closure: The final phase incorporates the results achieved when all project tasks are completed. A project manager will analyze these results and plan the next steps.

2. Project control cycle The control cycle is the process of monitoring and controlling the project. 3. Tools and templates Project plans, project management reports, and risk logs are common tools and templates for managing projects. Project framework examples There are many project management frameworks you can choose to use. Here are six of the most common ones: PRINCE2: This framework is highly structured with a heavy emphasis on upfront planning.

CCPM: Critical chain project management focuses primarily on resource allocation across the project.

Lean: A lean framework focuses on minimizing wasted effort and resources. Process improvement techniques are often incorporated into this framework.

XPM: Extreme project management was designed for complex projects that occur in fast-changing environments. Emphasis is on stakeholder management as plans and schedules are rapidly changing.

Scrum: This framework was also designed for industries undergoing rapid change. Using this framework, projects are often broken down and planned in 2-4 week sprints.

Waterfall: This framework is one of the traditional approaches to project management. Waterfall requires a project to be planned from beginning to end, with no phase of a project beginning until the previous one has ended.

How to choose a project management framework One single framework does not work for all projects, which is why so many of them have been created over the years. When deciding which framework is best for your project, consider the following: If your industry, technology, or product is fast-changing, an adaptable framework such as XPM or Scrum is recommended. If the project deliverable is not well defined and is intangible in nature (such as software), a sprint-based approach (such as Scrum) may work best. If the project is well defined and stable, planning it out in its entirety decreases risks. Therefore, PRINCE2 or Waterfall should work best. Frameworks may be chosen based on what your organization and stakeholders are familiar with. If your company has never completed an XPM project before, introducing one may be difficult. The priorities of your stakeholders will impact your framework. If waste is a critical concern, a lean framework may be chosen. Frameworks are designed to be flexible and adapt to a project’s needs. It may be that you will end up borrowing pieces of separate frameworks as the circumstances of your project change.

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4. What do you mean by SPM framework?

5 marks
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Answered by: Raj kumar sunar

A project management framework consists of the processes, tasks, and tools used to take a project from start to finish. It encompasses all the key components required for planning, managing, and governing projects. The project management framework can be broken into three parts: 1. Project life cycle This is the cycle a project goes through from beginning to end. It consists of five phases: Initiation: This is where you define what the project actually is. You can outline your objectives in a project charter and identify any potential risks. Planning: In this phase, you list all the project tasks in a detailed roadmap. Estimate how long each one will take, create deadlines, and add assignees. Execution: Put the plan into action. Teams commence work on project tasks and align their schedules to achieve key deliverables. Monitoring and controlling: Project managers oversee progress by tracking team performance, creating reports, and readjusting priorities if necessary. Closure: The final phase incorporates the results achieved when all project tasks are completed. A project manager will analyze these results and plan the next steps.

2. Project control cycle The control cycle is the process of monitoring and controlling the project. 3. Tools and templates Project plans, project management reports, and risk logs are common tools and templates for managing projects. Project framework examples There are many project management frameworks you can choose to use. Here are six of the most common ones: PRINCE2: This framework is highly structured with a heavy emphasis on upfront planning.

CCPM: Critical chain project management focuses primarily on resource allocation across the project.

Lean: A lean framework focuses on minimizing wasted effort and resources. Process improvement techniques are often incorporated into this framework.

XPM: Extreme project management was designed for complex projects that occur in fast-changing environments. Emphasis is on stakeholder management as plans and schedules are rapidly changing.

Scrum: This framework was also designed for industries undergoing rapid change. Using this framework, projects are often broken down and planned in 2-4 week sprints.

Waterfall: This framework is one of the traditional approaches to project management. Waterfall requires a project to be planned from beginning to end, with no phase of a project beginning until the previous one has ended.

How to choose a project management framework One single framework does not work for all projects, which is why so many of them have been created over the years. When deciding which framework is best for your project, consider the following: If your industry, technology, or product is fast-changing, an adaptable framework such as XPM or Scrum is recommended. If the project deliverable is not well defined and is intangible in nature (such as software), a sprint-based approach (such as Scrum) may work best. If the project is well defined and stable, planning it out in its entirety decreases risks. Therefore, PRINCE2 or Waterfall should work best. Frameworks may be chosen based on what your organization and stakeholders are familiar with. If your company has never completed an XPM project before, introducing one may be difficult. The priorities of your stakeholders will impact your framework. If waste is a critical concern, a lean framework may be chosen. Frameworks are designed to be flexible and adapt to a project’s needs. It may be that you will end up borrowing pieces of separate frameworks as the circumstances of your project change.

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4. What do you mean by SPM framework?

5 marks
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Answered by: Raj kumar sunar

A project management framework consists of the processes, tasks, and tools used to take a project from start to finish. It encompasses all the key components required for planning, managing, and governing projects. The project management framework can be broken into three parts: 1. Project life cycle This is the cycle a project goes through from beginning to end. It consists of five phases: Initiation: This is where you define what the project actually is. You can outline your objectives in a project charter and identify any potential risks. Planning: In this phase, you list all the project tasks in a detailed roadmap. Estimate how long each one will take, create deadlines, and add assignees. Execution: Put the plan into action. Teams commence work on project tasks and align their schedules to achieve key deliverables. Monitoring and controlling: Project managers oversee progress by tracking team performance, creating reports, and readjusting priorities if necessary. Closure: The final phase incorporates the results achieved when all project tasks are completed. A project manager will analyze these results and plan the next steps.

2. Project control cycle The control cycle is the process of monitoring and controlling the project. 3. Tools and templates Project plans, project management reports, and risk logs are common tools and templates for managing projects. Project framework examples There are many project management frameworks you can choose to use. Here are six of the most common ones: PRINCE2: This framework is highly structured with a heavy emphasis on upfront planning.

CCPM: Critical chain project management focuses primarily on resource allocation across the project.

Lean: A lean framework focuses on minimizing wasted effort and resources. Process improvement techniques are often incorporated into this framework.

XPM: Extreme project management was designed for complex projects that occur in fast-changing environments. Emphasis is on stakeholder management as plans and schedules are rapidly changing.

Scrum: This framework was also designed for industries undergoing rapid change. Using this framework, projects are often broken down and planned in 2-4 week sprints.

Waterfall: This framework is one of the traditional approaches to project management. Waterfall requires a project to be planned from beginning to end, with no phase of a project beginning until the previous one has ended.

How to choose a project management framework One single framework does not work for all projects, which is why so many of them have been created over the years. When deciding which framework is best for your project, consider the following: If your industry, technology, or product is fast-changing, an adaptable framework such as XPM or Scrum is recommended. If the project deliverable is not well defined and is intangible in nature (such as software), a sprint-based approach (such as Scrum) may work best. If the project is well defined and stable, planning it out in its entirety decreases risks. Therefore, PRINCE2 or Waterfall should work best. Frameworks may be chosen based on what your organization and stakeholders are familiar with. If your company has never completed an XPM project before, introducing one may be difficult. The priorities of your stakeholders will impact your framework. If waste is a critical concern, a lean framework may be chosen. Frameworks are designed to be flexible and adapt to a project’s needs. It may be that you will end up borrowing pieces of separate frameworks as the circumstances of your project change.

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4. What do you mean by Software Project Management? In what ways software projects are different from other types of projects?

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4. Explain the various steps involved in stepwise project planning?

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6. Why software project management is a challenging activity?(5)

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5. Explain the process of analysis the cost benefit in project evaluation.

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6. Explain the rapid application development.

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6. Explain the contents list of project plan.

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7. Draw precedence network diagram for the following and identify the critical path.

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8. Explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs.(5)

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7. What are the factors needed for allocating a task? Explain.

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9. Briefly explain different quality factors.(5)

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10. Explain the process of Software Configuration Management.(5)

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9. Write the goal of software project planning.

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8. Discuss about change control with example.

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10. What are the four major activities involved in project management? Explain.

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Answered by Anonymous

Initiation: Project initiation is the starting point of any project. In this process, all the activities related to winning a project takes place. Usually, the main activity of this phase is the pre-sale. During the pre-sale period, the service provider proves the eligibility and ability of completing the project to the client and eventually wins the business. Then, it is the detailed requirements gathering which comes next. During the requirements gathering activity, all the client requirements are gathered and analysis for implementation. In this activity, negotiations may take place to change certain requirements or remove certain requirements altogether Planning: Project planning is one of the main project management processes. If the project management team gets this step wrong, there could be heavy negative consequences during the next phases of the project. Therefore, the project management team will have to pay detailed attention to this process of the project. In this process, the project plan is derived in order to address the project requirements such as, requirements scope, budget and timelines. Once the project plan is derived, then the project schedule is developed. Depending on the budget and the schedule, the resources are then allocated to the project. This phase is the most important phase when it comes to project cost and effort. Executing: After all paperwork is done, in this phase, the project management executes the project in order to achieve project objectives. When it comes to execution, each member of the team carries out their own assignments within the given deadline for each activity. The detailed project schedule will be used for tracking the project progress. During the project execution, there are many reporting activities to be done. The senior management of the company will require daily or weekly status updates on the project progress. In addition to that, the client may also want to track the progress of the project. During the project execution, it is a must to track the effort and cost of the project in order to determine whether the project is progressing in the right direction or not. Control and Validation: During the project life cycle, the project activities should be thoroughly controlled and validated. The controlling can be mainly done by adhering to the initial protocols such as project plan, quality assurance test plan and communication plan for the project. Sometimes, there can be instances that are not covered by such protocols. In such cases, the project manager should use adequate and necessary measurements in order to control such situations. Validation is a supporting activity that runs from first day to the last day of a project. Each and every activity and delivery should have its own validation criteria in order to verify the successful outcome or the successful completion Closeout and Evaluation: Once all the project requirements are achieved, it is time to hand over the implemented system and closeout the project. If the project deliveries are in par with the acceptance criteria defined by the client, the project will be duly accepted and paid by the customer

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9. Explain about the selecting the right person for the job.

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11. Different between Gantt chant and slip chart.(5)

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10. Explain the major sections of a Software Quality Assurance plan.

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14. Write short notes on:

a. Present worth

b. PERT chart

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11. Explain the process of effort estimation using function point analysis with example.

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13. Write short notes on:

a. SPM software

b. Critical Path

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12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of COCOMO?

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13. Write short notes on:

(a) SQA plan

(b) SPM tools

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Unit 2: Project Analysis
6 Questions

1. What are different steps of Project Planning? Describe activities in each step.

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2. How are the software project is different from other project. Explain the different phases of software project life cycle.
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5. Differentiate between project life cycle and product life cycle.

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5. Explain the product life cycle.

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5. Explain the product life cycle.

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Answered by Anonymous

The product life cycle starts from the inception of the idea to the point when the product is retired. In the development stage, you will generate the idea to create the product and the product is created. In the introduction stage, you will start marketing the product and begin selling the product to customers. In the growth stage, the sales increase. In the maturity stage, the product is accepted widely and sales are at their peak Example: Let’s consider the product life cycle for a new motorcycle that your company may want to build and sell in the market. The first step of this product life cycle can be the idea generation. This may include a feasibility study, market research, and the business plan. When this phase is complete you can initiate a project to build this bike. Once the motorcycle is built, the project will be complete and the next phase of your product life cycle begins, which is marketing and selling motorcycles to customers. After selling you may need to provide after-sale support, and then the retirement phase occurs. The retirement phase may include selling motorcycles at a discounted price. Last is the retirement stage. At this level, you will try to sell out all of your inventory and move on to the next product. This stage happens due to technical advancement or because your product is not selling enough to support its production cost.

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13. Write short notes on:

(a) Project schedule

(b) Test plan

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Unit 3: Activity Planning and Scheduling
20 Questions

2. What do you mean by rapid application development? Differentiate between spiral models and prototyping model.

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2. Explain in the cost benefit analysis in details. Explain the evaluation techniques of cost benefits.

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2. Differentiate between strategic Assessment and technical assessment. Explain the steps involved in cost benefit analysis?

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3. Explain the risk type and also explain in details how will you managing risks.

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Answered by Anonymous

Risk is an unexpected event; happening of which can cause loss or sort of harm.

Risk Types: Interest Rate Risk: It is the risk of adverse effect of interest rate movements on a firm’s profits or balance sheet. Credit Risk: It is the risk which may arise due to default of the counter-party. Liquidity Risk: It is the risk which arises if the given asset or fund is not traded at right time in the market. Internal Business Risk: it is due the inefficiency of management in the business. External Business Risk: This type of risk arises due to external environment in the business. Financial Risks: This risk originates due to improper composition of the operations. Market Risk: This is the risk which occurs due to market conditions which results in reduction in returns expected on investment. It is also referred to as price risk. All risk management processes follow the same basic steps, although sometimes different jargon is used to describe these steps. Together these 5 risk management process steps combine to deliver a simple and effective risk management process

Step 1: Identify the Risk. You and your team uncover, recognize and describe risks that might affect your project or its outcomes. There are a number of techniques you can use to find project risks. During this step you start to prepare your Project Risk Register.

Step 2: Analyze the risk. Once risks are identified you determine the likelihood and consequence of each risk. You develop an understanding of the nature of the risk and its potential to affect project goals and objectives. This information is also input to your Project Risk Register.

Step 3: Evaluate or Rank the Risk. You evaluate or rank the risk by determining the risk magnitude, which is the combination of likelihood and consequence. You make decisions about whether the risk is acceptable or whether it is serious enough to warrant treatment. These risk rankings are also added to your Project Risk Register.

Step 4: Treat the Risk. This is also referred to as Risk Response Planning. During this step you assess your highest ranked risks and set out a plan to treat or modify these risks to achieve acceptable risk levels. How can you minimize the probability of the negative risks as well as enhancing the opportunities? You create risk mitigation strategies, preventive plans and contingency plans in this step. And you add the risk treatment measures for the highest ranking or most serious risks to your Project Risk Register.

Step 5: Monitor and Review the risk. This is the step where you take your Project Risk Register and use it to monitor, track and review risks.

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3. Mention at least five examples of software development projects that would require prototyping. Explain each of them.

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3. Why are process Capability Models more effective than product matrices? Describe any 3 capability models in detail

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4. Define the terms: Net profit value and pay-back period.

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5. Explain cost benefit evaluation techniques.

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5. Explain the use of decision tree in Risk Evaluation.

5 marks
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Answered by Anonymous

Decision trees allow project managers to distinguish between decisions where we have control and chance events that may or may not happen. It takes account of the costs and rewards of decision options as well as the probabilities and impacts of associated risks. Structured analysis using “rolling forward” and “folding back” allows the best decision option to be taken based on calculation of Expected Monetary Value, although this may be influenced by the risk appetite of the organization. The decision tree technique offers a powerful way of describing, understanding and analyzing uncertainty, and can be a valuable part of the toolkit for any project manager who needs to make decisions where the outcome is uncertain.

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5. Differentiate between rapid application development and waterfall model.

5 marks
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5. Explain the role of cost estimation in software development project.

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6. What do you mean by cash flow forecasting?

5 marks
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Answered by Anonymous

Cash flow forecasting, also known as cash forecasting, is a way of estimating the flow of cash coming in and out of your business, across all areas, over a given period of time. A cash flow forecast shows your projected cash based on income and expenses and is an important tool when it comes to making decisions about activities such as funding, capital expenditure and investments. Cash forecasting can be carried out for a range of time horizons. Short-term cash forecast may cover the next 30 days and can be used to identify any funding needs or excess cash in the immediate term. A medium-term cash flow forecast may cover between one month and one year ahead, while a long-term forecast will be used to look at sales and purchases further into the future – between one year and five years ahead or even longer, depending on the nature of the business. The longer the time horizon of a cash flow forecast, the less accurate it is expected to be. Cash Flow has many uses in both operating a business and in performing financial analysis. In fact, it’s one of the most important metrics in all of finance and accounting. The most common cash metrics and uses of CF are the following:

a) Net Present Value – calculating the value of a business by building a DCF Model and calculating the net present value (NPV) b) Internal Rate of Return – determining the IRR an investor achieves for making an investment c) Liquidity – assessing how well a company can meet its short-term financial obligations d) Capital Expenditures – CF can also be used to fund reinvestment and growth in the business

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6. Comparison between waterfall model with spiral model.

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6. Briefly explain about risk planning and controlling.

5 marks
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6. Explain the cost-benefit evaluation techniques.

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7. Explain the process of collecting the data.

5 marks
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7. Differentiate between risk planning and risk reduction.

5 marks
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9. Mention atleast seven deliverables in a software project

5 marks
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11. Explain the three modes of the basic COCOMO model.

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12. Discuss the role of cost estimation in software development project.

5 marks
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Unit 4: Risk Management
9 Questions

2. Explain in detail about critical path scheduling method with example.

10 marks
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2. The table below is an example of project specification with estimated activity duration and precedence requirements:

Activity Name
Activity Name
Duration (Weeks)
AHardware Selection
BSystem Configuration
CInstall Hardware
DData Migration
EDraft Office Procedures
FRecruit Staff
GUser Training
HInstall and test system

Find the critical path of the project and calculate the earliest completion time of the project.
10 marks
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6. Why is it necessary to plan the activities?

5 marks
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7. Explain the network planning model with example.

5 marks
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7. Explain the objectives of activity planning.

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8. Explain the Gantt Charts in Scheduling with example.

5 marks
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8. Describe the major workflows involved in software development.

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9. How network chart help in scheduling a project?

5 marks
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10. Explain the critical path with example.

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Unit 5: Resource allocation
5 Questions

6. Why are PERT/CPM used in software project management? Explain.

5 marks
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7. Discuss the concept of PERT/CPM in software project management.

5 marks
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Answered by Anonymous

PERT and CPM are techniques of project management useful in the basic managerial functions of planning, scheduling and control. PERT stands for “Programmed Evaluation & Review Technique” and CPM are the abbreviation for “Critical Path Method”. These days the projects undertaken by business houses are very large and take a number of years before commercial production can start. The techniques of PERT and CPM help greatly in completing the various jobs on schedule. They minimize production delays, interruptions and conflicts. These techniques are very helpful in coordinating various jobs of the total project and thereby expedite and achieve completion of project on time. Essentially, there are six steps which are common to both the techniques. The procedure is listed below:

1.Define the Project and all of its significant activities or tasks. The Project (made up of several tasks) should have only a single start activity and a single finish activity. 2.Develop the relationships among the activities. Decide which activities must precede and which must follow others. 3.Draw the “Network” connecting all the activities. Each Activity should have unique event numbers. Dummy arrows are used where required to avoid giving the same numbering to two activities. 4.Assign time and/or cost estimates to each activity 5.Compute the longest time path through the network. This is called the critical path. 6.Use the Network to help plan, schedule, and monitor and control the project.

The Key Concept used by CPM/PERT is that a small set of activities, which make up the longest path through the activity network control the entire project. If these “critical” activities could be identified and assigned to responsible persons, management resources could be optimally used by concentrating on the few activities which determine the fate of the entire project.

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7. What are different types of resources? How do you schedule them in the project?

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8. What do you mean by resource allocation?

5 marks
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13. Write short notes on:

(a) Resource allocation

(b) Earned value

5 marks
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Unit 6: Monitoring and control
6 Questions

8. How do you visualize progress of the project? Explain any two types.

5 marks
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9. What do you mean by change control?

5 marks
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Anwered by Anonymous

Change Control is the process that a company uses to document, identify and authorize changes to an IT environment. It reduces the chances of unauthorized alterations, disruption and errors in the system. Whenever any new or different changes are requested for the system, especially by stakeholders, it is neither optional nor ignorable. It has to be implemented without affecting other components of the system. This is when the change control comes handy. It helps project teams to modify the scope of the project using specified controls and policies. Change Control is practiced whenever a project is not progressing as planned. It is mandatory that a formal document for change request is completed and reviewed in order to keep control of change requests. Steps:

  • Change request identification: Identify the need for a change and describe it on the project change request form
  • Change request assessment: If the change is not valid, it has to be deferred or rejected.Determine appropriate resources required to analyze the change request.Perform quick assessment of the potential impact and update the change request form.At this stage, rejected change request should stopped
  • Change request analysis: For analysis assign the change request to an authorized member: Deferred change re-enter this analysis step.At this stage, rejected change request should stopped
  • Change request approval: Identify change risk and complexity level before approval.Identify the impact level of the change before approval.Review impact of Change Request to authorized person for approval.At this stage, rejected change request should stopped
  • Change request implementation: Update project procedure and management plans: Inform about the changes to the team.Monitor progress of change request.Record the completion of change request. Close change request
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11. Explain the visualizing progress in details with example.

5 marks
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answered by anonymous

A manager needs some way of presenting that data to greatest effect. Some methods of presenting picture are, Gantt chart – tracking project progress .It is the simple and the oldest form of representing the progress of the project. It consists of activity bar that indicates the scheduled activity dates and the duration along with the activity floats. Slip chart – visual indication of activities that are not progressing to schedule. Alternative view of Gantt chart by providing a visual indication of those activities which are not on schedule. The more bend in the greater the variation in the project plan. If the slip line deviates more towards the non achievement of project objectives then it has to be reconsidered. Additional slip lines can be included at regular intervals. Ball charts – way of showing or not targets have been met or not. It is represented in the form of circles that indicate the start and the end point completion of activities. Circles of the ball chart mostly contain only two dates the original and the revised one. An activity is denoted by a red circle and green color denotes that the activity is ahead of its schedule. Slippage in the project completion date but it is overcome by the timeline charts TimeLine: The timeline is a method of recording and displaying the way in which targets have changed throughout the duration of the project.

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11. Explain the visualizing progress in detail with practical example.

5 marks
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answered by anonymous

A manager needs some way of presenting that data to greatest effect. Some methods of presenting picture are, Gantt chart – tracking project progress .It is the simple and the oldest form of representing the progress of the project. It consists of activity bar that indicates the scheduled activity dates and the duration along with the activity floats. Slip chart – visual indication of activities that are not progressing to schedule. Alternative view of Gantt chart by providing a visual indication of those activities which are not on schedule. The more bend in the greater the variation in the project plan. If the slip line deviates more towards the non achievement of project objectives then it has to be reconsidered. Additional slip lines can be included at regular intervals. Ball charts – way of showing or not targets have been met or not. It is represented in the form of circles that indicate the start and the end point completion of activities. Circles of the ball chart mostly contain only two dates the original and the revised one. An activity is denoted by a red circle and green color denotes that the activity is ahead of its schedule. Slippage in the project completion date but it is overcome by the timeline charts TimeLine: The timeline is a method of recording and displaying the way in which targets have changed throughout the duration of the project.

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11. How can we do project monitoring and control? Explain.

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Answered by Anonymous

Monitoring and control processes continually track, review, adjust and report on the project’s performance. It’s important to find out how a project’s performing and whether it’s on time, as well as implement approved changes. This ensures the project remains on track, on budget and on time. Monitoring and control keeps projects on track. The right controls can play a major part in completing projects on time. The data gathered also lets project managers make informed decisions. They can take advantage of opportunities, make changes and avoid crisis management issue. Put simply, monitoring and control ensures the seamless execution of tasks. This improves productivity and efficiency.

There are a range of monitoring and control techniques that can be used by project managers, including:

a) A Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM). This maps, or traces, the project’s requirements to the deliverables. The matrix correlates the relationship between two baseline documents. This makes the project’s tasks more visible. It also prevents new tasks or requirements being added to the project without approval. This makes the project’s tasks more visible. It also prevents new tasks or requirements being added to the project without approval. b) A control chart monitors the project’s quality. There are two basic forms of control chart – a univariate control chart displays one project characteristic, while a multivariate chart displays more than one. c) Review and status meetings further analysis problems, finding out why something happened. They can also highlight any issues that might happen later

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13. Write short notes on:

a. Charge Control

b. Software Quality

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Unit 7: Managing Contracts and people
6 Questions

8. How you can select the right person for the job? Explain.

5 marks
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Answered by Anonymous

  1. Create a job specification: Advice is needed, as there will be legal implications in an official document. However, formally or informally, the requirements of the job should be documented and agreed.
  2. Create a jo holder profile: Using the job specification, a profile of the person needed to carry out the job in constructed. The qualities, qualification, education and experience required would be listed.
  3. Obtain applicants: Typically an advertisement would be placed, either within the organization or outside in the trade or local press. The job holder profile would be examined carefully to identify the medium most likely to reach the largest number of potential applications at least cost.
  4. Examine CV: These should be read carefully and compared to the job holder profile nothings is more annoying for all concerned than when people have CVs which clearly indicate that they are not eligible for the job and yet they are called for interview.
  5. Interview: A number of different selection techniques can be tried, including aptitude tests, personality tests, and examination of samples of previous work. All these methods must be related to specific qualities detailed in the job holder profile.
  6. Other Procedures: Reference will need to be taken up where necessary and a medical examination might be needed.
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9. What are the roles of Software Engineer in a project? Explain.

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9. Describe the typical terms of a contract.

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10. Explain the typical terms of contract? Mention the different types of people in the team in the software project management.

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10. What are the stages of Team formation model?

5 marks
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Answered by Anonymous

Forming: In this stage the team members are testing each other and the project manager and exploring where they fit in to the project. Team members are worried about how they fit in with the others and how their capabilities and skills compare. They are looking to the project manager for clarity and direction. Storming: In the Storming stage, there are struggles for power and to determine how the team will work together. In this stage, differences of opinion are common and the team is trying to determine how to work together effectively, what the rules are and how to resolve differences. The team competes for their ideas to be heard and implemented. Norming: The individuals are beginning to see how they form a team, how to work together effectively and have set rules and group norms to work by. They have learned how to resolve their differences of opinion and are becoming much more comfortable with each other, trusting each other to get the job done. Performing: The team is performing consistently at a high level. They are focused on reaching the project goals as a team. The individual does not exist, the team members are interdependent. They can solve problems on their own and do not rely on the project manager for day-to-day oversight of the group. Adjourning: When the team is done with the project, there is a feeling of loss about having to move on to other projects. This is particularly common with very high performing teams. They have learned how to work together effectively and will miss the interactions.

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12. What are different types of people in a team? Explain various stages a team passes through.

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Unit 8: Software quality assurance and testing
16 Questions

2. What are the five maturity level of CMM? Differentiate between leaders and managers.

10 marks
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Answered by Anonymous

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) specifies an increasing series of levels of a software development organization. The higher the level, the better the software development process, hence reaching each level is an expensive and time-consuming process.

  • Level One : Initial - The software process is characterized as inconsistent, and occasionally even chaotic. Defined processes and standard practices that exist are abandoned during a crisis. Success of the organization majorly depends on an individual effort, talent, and heroics. The heroes eventually move on to other organizations taking their wealth of knowledge or lessons learnt with them.
  • Level Two: Repeatable - This level of Software Development Organization has a basic and consistent project management processes to track cost, schedule, and functionality. The process is in place to repeat the earlier successes on projects with similar applications. Program management is a key characteristic of a level two organization.
  • Level Three: Defined - The software process for both management and engineering activities are documented, standardized, and integrated into a standard software process for the entire organization and all projects across the organization use an approved, tailored version of the organization's standard software process for developing,testing and maintaining the application.
  • Level Four: Managed - Management can effectively control the software development effort using precise measurements. At this level, organization set a quantitative quality goal for both software process and software maintenance. At this maturity level, the performance of processes is controlled using statistical and other quantitative techniques, and is quantitatively predictable.
  • Level Five: Optimizing - The Key characteristic of this level is focusing on continually improving process performance through both incremental and innovative technological improvements. At this level, changes to the process are to improve the process performance and at the same time maintaining statistical probability to achieve the established quantitative process-improvement objectives.

Difference Leader and Manger are:

  1. A leader influences his subordinate to achieve a specified goal, whereas a manager is a person who manages the entire organization.
  2. A leader possesses the quality of foresightedness while a manager has the intelligence.
  3. A leader sets directions, but a manager plans details.
  4. A manager takes decision while a leader facilitates it.
  5. A leader and the manager is that a leader has followers while the manager has the employees.
  6. A manager avoids conflicts. On the contrary, a leader uses conflicts as an asset.
  7. The manager uses transactional leadership style. As against this, transformational leadership style is used by the leader.
  8. Leaders promote change, but Managers react to the change.
  9. A leader aligns people, while a manager organizes people.
  10. A leader strives for doing the right things. Conversely, the manager strives for doing the right things.
  11. The leader focuses on people while a manager focuses on the Process and Procedure.
  12. A leader aims at the growth and development of his teammates while a manager aims at accomplishing the end results.
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3. Explain the various maturity levels of SEI CMM and also discuss the key process areas for each level.

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3. Explain the different techniques for enhancing the quality of software project.

10 marks
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3. Explain the SEI Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and SQA plan.

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7. Explain the software quality factors.

5 marks
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8. Explain the QA organizational structure.

5 marks
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8. Explain the SEI capability maturity model (CMM).

5 marks
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Answered by Anonymous

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) specifies an increasing series of levels of a software development organization. The higher the level, the better the software development process, hence reaching each level is an expensive and time-consuming process.

  • Level One : Initial - The software process is characterized as inconsistent, and occasionally even chaotic. Defined processes and standard practices that exist are abandoned during a crisis. Success of the organization majorly depends on an individual effort, talent, and heroics. The heroes eventually move on to other organizations taking their wealth of knowledge or lessons learnt with them.
  • Level Two: Repeatable - This level of Software Development Organization has a basic and consistent project management processes to track cost, schedule, and functionality. The process is in place to repeat the earlier successes on projects with similar applications. Program management is a key characteristic of a level two organization.
  • Level Three: Defined - The software process for both management and engineering activities are documented, standardized, and integrated into a standard software process for the entire organization and all projects across the organization use an approved, tailored version of the organization's standard software process for developing,testing and maintaining the application.
  • Level Four: Managed - Management can effectively control the software development effort using precise measurements. At this level, organization set a quantitative quality goal for both software process and software maintenance. At this maturity level, the performance of processes is controlled using statistical and other quantitative techniques, and is quantitatively predictable.
  • Level Five: Optimizing - The Key characteristic of this level is focusing on continually improving process performance through both incremental and innovative technological improvements. At this level, changes to the process are to improve the process performance and at the same time maintaining statistical probability to achieve the established quantitative process-improvement objectives.
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9. Define software quality and its importance.

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10. Describe Verification and Validation of the Program.

5 marks
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Answered by Anonymous

Verification and Validation is the process of investigating that a software system satisfies specifications and standards and it fulfills the required purpose. Verification: Verification is the process of checking that a software achieves its goal without any bugs. It is the process to ensure whether the product that is developed is right or not. It verifies whether the developed product fulfills the requirements that we have. Verification is Static Testing. Activities involved in verification: 1. Inspections 2. Reviews 3. Walkthroughs 4. Desk-checking Validation: Validation is the process of checking whether the software product is up to the mark or in other words product has high level requirements. It is the process of checking the validation of product i.e. it checks what we are developing is the right product. it is validation of actual and expected product. Validation is the Dynamic Testing. Activities involved in validation: 1. Black box testing 2. White box testing 3. Unit testing 4. Integration testing

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11. Explain the quality assurance plan

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11. What do you mean by verification and validation? Explain with example.

5 marks
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Answered by Anonymous

Verification and Validation is the process of investigating that a software system satisfies specifications and standards and it fulfills the required purpose. Verification: Verification is the process of checking that a software achieves its goal without any bugs. It is the process to ensure whether the product that is developed is right or not. It verifies whether the developed product fulfills the requirements that we have. Verification is Static Testing. Activities involved in verification: 1. Inspections 2. Reviews 3. Walkthroughs 4. Desk-checking Validation: Validation is the process of checking whether the software product is up to the mark or in other words product has high level requirements. It is the process of checking the validation of product i.e. it checks what we are developing is the right product. it is validation of actual and expected product. Validation is the Dynamic Testing. Activities involved in validation: 1. Black box testing 2. White box testing 3. Unit testing 4. Integration testing

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12. Write short notes on:

(a) Visualizing progress

(b) Test strategies

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12. Explain the SQA plan with example.

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12. Explain the program verification and validation with example.

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13. Write short notes on:

a.Test Plan

b. Change Control

5 marks
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13. Write short notes on:

a. SQA plan

b. SPM tools

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Unit 9: Software Configuration Management
6 Questions

3. Explain the software configuration management and its tasks and roles.

10 marks
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Answered by: Ashok Bhattarai

Software Configuration Management(SCM) is a process to systematically manage, organize, and control the changes in the documents, codes, and other entities during the Software Development Life Cycle. Tasks in SCM process:- a) Configuration Identification: Configuration identification is a method of determining the scope of the software system. With the help of this step, you can manage or control something even if you don't know what it is. It is a description that contains the CSCI type (Computer Software Configuration Item), a project identifier and version information. b) Baseline: A baseline is a formally accepted version of a software configuration item. It is designated and fixed at a specific time while conducting the SCM process. It can only be changed through formal change control procedures. c) Change Control: Change control is a procedural method which ensures quality and consistency when changes are made in the configuration object. In this step, the change request is submitted to software configuration manager. d) Configuration Status Accounting: Configuration status accounting tracks each release during the SCM process. This stage involves tracking what each version has and the changes that lead to this version. e) Configuration Audits and Reviews: Software Configuration audits verify that all the software product satisfies the baseline needs. It ensures that what is built is what is delivered. Roles of SPM are:- a) Configuration Manager: Configuration Manager is the head who is Responsible for identifying configuration items. CM ensures team follows the SCM process. He or She needs to approve or reject change requests b) Developer: The developer needs to change the code as per standard development activities or change requests. He is responsible for maintaining configuration of code. The developer should check the changes and resolves conflicts. c) Auditor: The auditor is responsible for SCM audits and reviews. Need to ensure the consistency and completeness of release. d) User: The end user should understand the key SCM terms to ensure he has the latest version of the software.

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10. Explain about SCM tasks and tools.

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10. Explain the function of software configuration management.

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11. What do you mean by configuration management? Write its importance in a software project.

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12. Explain the software configuration management and its roles.

5 marks
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Answered by: Ashok Bhattarai

Software Configuration Management(SCM) is a process to systematically manage, organize, and control the changes in the documents, codes, and other entities during the Software Development Life Cycle. Tasks in SCM process:- a) Configuration Identification: Configuration identification is a method of determining the scope of the software system. With the help of this step, you can manage or control something even if you don't know what it is. It is a description that contains the CSCI type (Computer Software Configuration Item), a project identifier and version information. b) Baseline: A baseline is a formally accepted version of a software configuration item. It is designated and fixed at a specific time while conducting the SCM process. It can only be changed through formal change control procedures. c) Change Control: Change control is a procedural method which ensures quality and consistency when changes are made in the configuration object. In this step, the change request is submitted to software configuration manager. d) Configuration Status Accounting: Configuration status accounting tracks each release during the SCM process. This stage involves tracking what each version has and the changes that lead to this version. e) Configuration Audits and Reviews: Software Configuration audits verify that all the software product satisfies the baseline needs. It ensures that what is built is what is delivered. Roles of SPM are:- a) Configuration Manager: Configuration Manager is the head who is Responsible for identifying configuration items. CM ensures team follows the SCM process. He or She needs to approve or reject change requests b) Developer: The developer needs to change the code as per standard development activities or change requests. He is responsible for maintaining configuration of code. The developer should check the changes and resolves conflicts. c) Auditor: The auditor is responsible for SCM audits and reviews. Need to ensure the consistency and completeness of release. d) User: The end user should understand the key SCM terms to ensure he has the latest version of the software.

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12. Explain the software configuration management with example.

5 marks
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Answered by BMC ko topper Rokka

When we develop software, the product (software) undergoes many changes in their maintenance phase; we need to handle these changes effectively. Several individuals (programs) works together to achieve these common goals. This individual produces several work product (SC Items) e.g., Intermediate version of modules or test data used during debugging, parts of the final product. The elements that comprise all information produced as a part of the software process are collectively called a software configuration. As software development progresses, the number of Software Configuration elements (SCI's) grow rapidly. These are handled and controlled by SCM. This is where we require software configuration management. A configuration of the product refers not only to the product's constituent but also to a particular version of the component. Therefore, SCM is the discipline which o Identify change o Monitor and control change o Ensure the proper implementation of change made to the item. o Auditing and reporting on the change made. Configuration Management (CM) is a technic of identifying, organizing, and controlling modification to software being built by a programming team. The objective is to maximize productivity by minimizing mistakes (errors). CM is used to essential due to the inventory management, library management, and updation management of the items essential for the project.

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