Theory of Computation 2074

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Fourth Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC257 )
( Theory of Computation )
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.

                                                                Group A                                                         (8x4=32)

1. Convert the following NFA-ε into equivalent NFA without ε.


4 marks view

2. Find the regular expression describing following languages over alphabet {0, 1}*.

        a) The language all strings containing at least two 0's.

        b) The language of all strings containing both 00 and 010 as substring.

4 marks view

3.  Construct FA recognizing the languages described by following regular expressions.

        a)    (10*+01*)11*

        b)    (0+1)*(01+1000)0*

4 marks view

4.  What do you mean by a CFG in CNF? What are the criteria to be a CFG in CNF? Explain.

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5.  Define the term Regular Grammar. What is the relation of Regular Grammar with other grammars? Explain.

4 marks view

6.  Define the universal Turing machine and describe its role.

4 marks view

7.  Show that the complement of a recursive language is recursive.

4 marks view

8.  Explain, how can you encode a Turing machine into universal language.

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                                                                Group B                                                         (6x8=48)

9.  Describe the extended transition function of a NFA. Construct a NFA accepting the language over {a, b}* with each strings containing three consecutive b's. Show by extended function that it accepts abbb.

8 marks view

10.  Define the term immediate left recursion. How can you convert a grammar with immediate left recursion into equivalent grammar without left recursion? Remove left recursion from the following grammar.


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11.  Construct a PDA that accepts the strings of language L={ wwR | w is in {a, b}*}.

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12.  Describe multi tape Turing machine. Show that multi-tape Turing machine and one tape Turing machines are equivalent.

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13.  Define class P and NP with example. Show that: If P1 is NP complete and there is a polynomial time reduction of p1 to P2 then P2 is NP-complete.

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14.  Write short notes on (Any two):

        a) Solvable vs Unsolvable problems

        b) CNF Satisfiability

        c) Recursive and Recursively Enumerable Languages

8 marks view