Theory of Computation 2076
Attempt all the questions.
Group A (8x4=32)
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1. Define DFA and explain how it differs from NFA.
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2. Define the term: alphabet, substring/Prefix/Suffix of a string with example.
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3. What do you mean by ε-closure of a state in NFA with epsilon moves. Explain with an example.
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4. Give the regular expression for the following languages over alphabet {a, b}
a. Set of all strings ending with substring ab.
b. Set of all strings with 2nd and 4th symbol is b.
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5. What do you mean by a CNF grammar? Convert following grammar into CNF.
S→ ABa, A→ aab, B→ AC
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6. Construct a PDA accepting L={w | w has equal no. of a's and b's}.
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7. Describe the Turing machine. Construct a TM that accepts even length strings from alphabet {0, 1}.
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8. What do you mean by Intractability? Explain in brief.
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Group B (6x8=48)
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9. Explain about sub-set construction method to convert a NFA into equivalent DFA with suitable example.
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10. State and prove the pumping lemma for regular language. Explain about its application.
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11. Explain about the closure properties of regular languages. Show that for any regular languages L1 and L2, L1∪L2 is also regualr.
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12. What is a regular grammar? Explain with example, about the method of converting a regular grammar into equivalent Finite Automata.
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13. Define PDA. Explain how a PDA accepting by empty stack is converted into equivalent PDA accepting same language by final state.
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14. What is Universal Turing machine? Explain about the working mechanism of Universal Turing machine for processing the binary code input for (T, w) where T is specific Turing machine and w is input to T.
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