Theory of Computation 2076 (new)
Attempt all the questions.
Section A
Long Answer Questions.
Attempt any Two questions. (2x10=20)
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1. Define the NFA with ε-transition and ε-closure of a state. Show that for every regular expression r, representing a language L, there is ε-NFA accepting the same language. Also convert regular expression (a+b)*ab* into equivalent Finite Automata. (2+6+2)
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2. How can you define the language accepted by a PDA? Explain how a PDA accepting language by empty stack is converted into an equivalent PDA accepting by final state and vice-versa. (2+4+4)
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3. Define a Turing machine. Construct a TM that accept L = {wcwR | w∈(0, 1) and c is ε or 0 or 1. Show that string 0110 is accepted by this TM with sequence of Instantaneous Description (ID). (2+6+2)
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Section B
Short Answer Questions.
Attempt any Eight questions. (8x5=40)
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4. Give the formal definition of DFA. Construct a DFA accepting all strings of {0, 1} with even number of 0's and even number of 1's. (2+3)
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5. Define Chomsky Normal Form and Greibach Normal Form in reference to CFG. Give a suitable example of each. (2.5+2.5)
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6. Give the regular expressions for following language over alphabet {0, 1}. (2.5+2.5)
a. Set of all strings with 2nd symbol from right is 1.
b. Set of all strings starting with 00 or 11 and ending with 10 or 01.
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7. Show that language L={0m1m | m>=1} is not a regular language.
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8. Describe the Turing machines with multiple tape, multiple track and storage in state. (5)
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9. Construct a NFA accepting language of {0, 1} with each string ending with 01 and convert it into equivalent DFA. (2+3)
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10. Construct a PDA accepting language over {0, 1} representing strings with equal no of 0s and1s. Show by sequence of IDs that 0101 is accepted by this PDA. (3+2)
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11. Define complexity of a Turing machine. Explain about big Oh, big Omega and big Theta notation used for complexity measurement. (1+4)
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12. What do you mean by tractable and Intractable problems?Explain with reference to TM. (5)
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