Theory of Computation 2075
all the questions.
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1. How can you represent a finite Automata? Explain.
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2. Construct a DFA that accepts the strings over alphabet {0,1} with odd number of 0's and even number of 1's.
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3. Define the ε-closure of a state of ε-NFA with an example.
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4. Write regular expression for the following regular languages.
a) The set of strings over a alphabet {a, b} containing at least one 'a' and at least one 'b'.
b) The set of strings over {0, 1} whose 5th symbol from right end is 1.
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5. Given the following grammar
Remove the immediate left recursion from the grammar.
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6. How can you convert a CFG into equivalent PDA? Explain with example.
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7. What is a Turing Machine? Give formal definition. How it differ from FA?
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8. What do you mean by tractable and intractable problems? Is intractable problems are solvable by Turing machine?
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9. Convert the following regular expression into ε-NFA.
a) 01* b) (0+1)01* c) 00+(0+1)*100*
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10. Convert the following NFA into equivalent DFA using subset construction and also show the transition diagram for this DFA.
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11. Convert the following grammar into Chomsky Normal Form.
S→ ASB|ε
A →aAS|bAS|a
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12. Construct a Push Down Automata that accepts all the strings from alphabet {0, 1} with equal number of 0 and 1. Show that 0110 is accepted by this PDA and 01101 is not.
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13. How can you show that the one tape Turing machine and multi-tape Turing machine are equivalent? Explain in detail.
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14. Explain the term Turing acceptable and Turing decidable. Show that if L is recursive language then complement of L is also recursive.
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