Data Warehousing and Data Mining 2075
Group - A
Attempt any two Questions. (10 x 2 = 20)
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1. List some issues of multimedia mining. Describe how back propagation is used in classification.
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2. Describe how bitmap and join indexing are used to represent OLAP data. Explain the different components of data warehouse.
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3. Give any two types of association rules with example. Trace the results of using the Apriori algorithm on the grocery store example with support threshold 2 and confidence threshold 60 %. Show the candidate and frequent itemsets for each database scan. Enumerate all the final frequent itemsets. Also indicate the association rules that are generated.
Transaction_ID | Items |
T1 | HotDogs, Buns, Ketchup |
T2 | HotDogs, Buns |
T3 | HotDogs, Coke, Chips |
T4 | Chips, Coke |
T5 | Chips, Ketchup |
T6 | HotDogs, Coke, Chips |
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Group - B
Attempt any eight Questions. (8 x 5 = 40)
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4. What is the purpose of cluster analysis in data mining? Explain.
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5. How does KDD differ with data mining? Describe the stages of data mining.
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6. Explain OLAP operations with examples.
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7. Explain the primitives of data mining query language.
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8. How different schema are used to model data warehouse? Explain.
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9. Describe the significances of pre-computation of data cube.
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