Data Warehousing and Data Mining 2076
Group A
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Attempt any Two questions.
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1. Discuss the types of web mining. Explain why K-means is sensitive to outlier and how does K-Medoid minimize this issue.
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2. Do pattern and information refer to same aspect? Justify. Differentiate between data warehouse and operational database.
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3. List the problems of Apriori algorithm with its possible solutions. Consider the following transaction dataset.
Transaction_ID Item_List
T1 {K, A, D, B}
T2 {D,A,C,E,B}
T3 {C,A,B,E}
T4 {B,A,D}
What association rules can be found in this set, if the minimum support is 3 and the minimum confidence is 80%.
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Group B
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Attempt any eight questions.
Question no 13 is compulsory.
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4.How classification plays significance role in data mining? Explain.
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5. Are the information given by data mining is always useful? What are the issues in data warehousing and data mining?
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6.Explain the four characteristics of data warehouse.
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7. Explain the optimization techniques in data cube computation.
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8. How multidimensional data model helps in retrieving information? Explain with suitable example.
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9. Compare the OLAP servers, ROLAP, MOLAP and HOLAP.
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11. Differentiate between KDD and data mining.
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12. What does data warehouse tuning mean? Describe the parameters.
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13. Write short notes on (Any Two)
a. Evolution analysis
b. Decision trees
c. Text mining
d. Classification using Regression
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