Digital Logic 2068
Long Answer Questions:
Attempt any TWO questions. (2x10=20)
1. Draw a block diagram, truth table and logic circuit of 1x16 Demultiplexer and explain its working principle.
2. Design a 3 bit synchronous counter and explain it.
3. What is magnitude comparator? Design a logic circuit for 4 bit comparator and explain it.
Short Answer Questions:
Attempt any EIGHT questions. (8x5=40)
4. Design a half subtractor circuit using only NAND gates.
5. Convert the following decimal numbers into Hexadecimal and Octal numbers:
(a) 504
(b) 250
6. Design an encoder using universal gates.
7. What do you mean by D-flip-flop?
8. What is sequential logic? What are the important features?
9. Simplify the Boolean function using K-Maps.
F = X’yz + X’yz’ +Xy’z’ +Xy’z
10. Draw a parallel-parallel-out shift register and explain it.
11. Explain the 4 bit ripple counter.
12. Explain the programmable logic array.
13. Write short notes on :
(a) Asynchronous counter
(b) Multiplexers
(c) State reduction table