Digital Logic 2069
Long Answer Questions:
Attempt any TWO questions. (2x10=20)
1. What is decoder? Implement the following using decoder.
(a) F (W X Y Z) = Σ (0,1,3,4,8,9,10)
(b) F (W X Y Z) = Σ (1,3,5,6,11,13,14)
2. What do you mean by asynchronous counter? Design a mod-6 synchronous counter using T flip-
3. Explain the Master-slave S-R flip-flop with logic diagram, truth table and timing diagram.
Short answer questions :
Attempt any eight questions : (8x5=40)
4. Design a half subtractor using only NOR gates.
5. Convert the following decimal numbers into hexadecimal and octal number.
(a) 220
(b) 1020
6. Design a multiplexer 4x1 using only universal gates.
7. What is J-K flip flop? Explain.
8. Write a procedure to reduce K-maps.
9. What are the various types of shift registers?
10. Draw a logic diagram of a 4 bit ripple counter using D-flip flop.
11. Differentiate between combinational logic and sequential logic. List some applications of sequential logic.
12. Explain the decimal adder.
13. Write short notes on :
(a) Programmable Logic Array
(b) Triggering at flip-flop
(c) Memory Unit