Internet Technology 2069
Attempt all the questions.
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1. a) Explain the internet Domain and Domain Name System.
b) What do you mean by Teleports and terrestrial links? Explain.
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2. a) Define TCP/IP. Differentiate between IPV4 and IPV6.
b) Explain internet RFCS.
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3. a) Explain the N-Tired Client/Server Architecture.
b) Define the terms PGP and POP.
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4. a) Define HTTP. Differentiate between HTML and DHTML.
b) What do you mean by AJAX?
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5. a) Explain the designing of Internet System network architecture.
b) What do you mean by content filtering?
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6. Explain the intranet implementation guidelines. What are the benefits and drawbacks of intranets?
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7. Write short notes on (any three):
c. VPN
d. IRC
e. Cloud Computing
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