Internet Technology 2071
Attempt all the questions.
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1. a) Explain the history and development of Internets and Intranets.
b) Explain the Domain Name System and its uses.
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2. a) Discuss the IP layer and its importance.
b) Explain the IPv4 and IPv6 with header structure.
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3. a) Explain the Universal Internet Browsing.
b) Mention the different types of protocols and compare them.
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4. a) Differentiate between WML and XML.
b) Explain the WYS/WYG Authoring tools.
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AI is thinking...
6. a) Explain the tunneling protocols with example.
b) What are the benefits and drawbacks of internet?
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7. Write short notes on (any three):
a. Tele Ports
b. Internet RFCs
c. Multi-Protocol Support
d. Net application
e. Data centers
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