Internet Technology 2072

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Seventh Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC-402 )
( Internet Technology )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.

1. What do you mean by internet number? Describe the role in Regional Internet Registry (RIR) and National Internet Registry (NIR) in the internet systems.

6 marks view

2. How structure of a domain name looks like describe with an example. How forward DNS resolution works?

6 marks view

3. How IPv6 addresses can be classified? Discuss about IPv6 header structure.

6 marks view

4. How SMTP differs from POP? What are the reasons for multiple protocols in internet systems?

6 marks view

5. Define WMI Deck and Card. Write a simple WMI code showing deck and card with some piece of text inside it.

6 marks view

6. What possible factors can be considered while filtering the content in web? How SMTP proxies can be used to filter mails?

6 marks view

7. What is the purpose of using XML? Why XML elements are said to be extensible?Support your answer with an example.

6 marks view

8. What do you mean by audio broadcasting? Discuss the basic components of IRC protocol.

6 marks view

9. Describe the building blocks that need to be considered while designing Internet System Network Architecture.

6 marks view

10. Discuss possible types of VPN Tunneling. How VPN client server interaction occurs,discuss with an example.

6 marks view