Internet Technology 2077
Attempt all questions.
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1. Define internet backbone network. How optical fiber network and satellite can act as an internet backbone network? [2+4]
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2. Discuss the IPV6 header structure with each of the elements.[6]
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3. What do you mean by PGP? How PGP provides e-mail security?[2+4]
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4. What is XMLHttp Request object? How response Test property differs response XML property?[2+4]
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5. Why load balancing is needed in the servers ? How dynamic and weighted round robin algorithms can be used for load balancing?[2+4]
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6. In a mail server system, discuss the roles of mail transmitting agent, mail delivery agent and mail user agent.[6]
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7. What is chamel hosting in IRC? Discuss the components of IRC.[2+4]
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8. Discuss the various characteristic features that make cloud computing different than traditional computing?[6]
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9. How GOIP differs from VOIP. How does VOIP service work?[3+3]
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10. Discuss the building blocks of internet architecture. [2+4]
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