Image Processing 2068
Attempt any ten questions.
1. Explain the digital image processing with example.[6]
2. Define the fourier transform. Explain the Hadamard transform with example.[2+4]
3. What do you mean by visual perception? What are the elements of visual perception? Explain.[3+3]
4. Explain the template matching with algorithm and example.[6]
5. What is image coding? Explain the Run length coding with example.[2+4]
6. Mention the different types of character recognition and explain it.[6]
7. What is pattern recognition? Explain the applications of neural networks in pattern recognition.[2+4]
8. Define the edge detection. What do you mean by template matching? Explain.[2+4]
9. How dilation and erosion are applied in region filling and boundary extraction?[6]
10. Write short notes on:[3+3]
a) Features extraction
b) Wavelet transform
11. Differentiate between.[3+3]
a) high pass and band pass filtering
b) line detection and edge detection