Image Processing Model Question
Section A
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Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
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1. Differentiate between Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Explain the FFT algorithm for one-dimensional case. [3+7=10]
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2. Given the following frequency table obtained from the histogram of a 16 X 16, 8 level image.
M 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NM 15 6 70 16 31 35 32 51
Where M = gray level and NM = pixels having Mth gray level.
Construct Huffmann code for each gray level. Calculate the compression ratio and the relative data redundancy assuming if 3-bit code is used to code the gray level instead of Huffmann code. [7+3 =10]
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3. What is an edge detection filter? Differentiate between the first derivative and second derivative filter? Derive the filter mask for laplacian filter and write the algorithm for its implementation. [1+2+7=10]
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Section B
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Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
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1.How many images of size 1024×768 with 256 gray levels can be stored in a 2048 MB storage space?
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2. Write short notes on dilation and erosion.
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3.Explain the contra-harmonic mean filters used in image restoration.
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4.Explain the Bit plane slicing technique for image enhancement.
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5.Explain how Hough transform is useful in line detection?
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6.Describe in brief that how do you implement Gaussian High Pass Frequency domain filter for image smoothing in the frequency domain?
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7. Explain lossy predictive coding in brief.
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8. Explain the region growing technique for image segmentation.
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9. Explain how can a neural network be applied in digital image processing with the help of a simple perceptron
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