Image Processing 2073
Attempt any ten questions:[6 x 10 = 60]
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1. Differentiate between digital image representation and digital image processing.
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2. Explain the fast fourier with example.
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3. What do you mean by image enhancement? Explain the Histogram Modeling with example.
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4. What do you mean by image coding? Explain the process of predictive coding.
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5. Explain the features extraction with appropriate example . Why feature extraction is important in image processions? Explain.
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6. Explain the edge detection using templates with practical example.
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7.Explain the segmentation by thresholding. Explain how can you apply segmentation in line defection.
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8. Explain the Hadamard transform with example.
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9. Explain the predictive and inter-frame coding with example.
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10. Differentiate between Hopfield nets and hamming nets.
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11. Differentiate between:
a) Sampling and quantization
b) High pass and band pass filtering
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