Image Processing 2076
Section A
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Long Answer Questions
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Attempt any two questions(2x10=20)
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1. Explain "power law transformation" techniques for the purpose of image enhancement. Explain the mean filter along with suitable algorithm for its implementation(4+6)
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2. What is Fourier Transform and how can you apply it in the digital image processing? Explain the different properties of the Fourier Transform.(4+6)
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3. Explain the adaptive thresholding and regionsplit and merge techniques for image segmentation.(5+5)
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Section B
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Short answer questions
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Attempt any eight questions(8x5=40)
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4.Discuss the various applications and problems associated with the digital image processing in brief.
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5. Discuss the algorithm for histogram equalization.
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6. Explain the first derivative filter with a suitable example.
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7. How will you implement Butterworth high Pass Frequency domain filter for image sharpening in the frequency domain? Describe in brief.
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8. Explain Contra-harmonic Mean Filters used for image restoration.
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9. Describe lossless predictive coding model with a suitable block diagram.
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10. Explain opening and closing morphological operations in brief.
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11. Discuss the magnification of image using interpolation technique.
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12. Discuss Neural Network based image recognition system with the help of a simple perception.
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