Image Processing 2071

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Fifth Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC321 )
( Image Processing )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt any ten questions:[6 x 10 = 60]

1. What is digital image and digital image processing? Explain.

6 marks view

2. Explain the adjacency and path of image pixels. Calculate the 8-adjacent and m-adjacent path from (1,3) to(3,2) for following image on V{0,1}.

0  2  1

0  2  0

0  0  1

6 marks view

3. What is Histogram Modeling? Compute the histogram equalization of the given data.

Gray Level      01234567
No. of pixels   532010005005251236956856128

6 marks view

4. What do you mean by image enhancement? Explain the operation of Power law (Gamma) transformation with example.

6 marks view

5. Construct Huffman code for each gray level given and find the compression ratio and coding efficiency.

Gray Level0124567
No. of Pixels30353815103880

6 marks view

6. What is boundary? Explain spatial averaging filter.

6 marks view

7. What is Hough transform? How it is useful in line detection? Explain with example.

6 marks view

8. How edges are detected using the gradient operators? Explain with suitable example.

6 marks view

9. What is pattern and pattern recognition? Explain the steps and application areas of pattern recognition syatem.

6 marks view

10. Write short notes on:

a) Features extraction

b) Wavelet transform

6 marks view