Technical Writing - Unit Wise Questions
1. Describe a few ways of organizing information. Why is it important to organize information? [10]
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1. Prepare a newspaper article in about 250 words making a comparison (and contrast) between writing with and without a computer. [10]
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1. Describe technical writing? Elaborate on its characteristics.
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1. Write a report on the proceedings of three day long seminar workshop on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) conducted by Institute of Science and Technology. [15]
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1. Write a one-paragraph description of how you can improve your writing. Begin with a topic sentence. In the rest of paragraph, add the details that support your topic sentence. [15]
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1. Prepare a newspaper article with due organization and layout in about 250 word using symbols and abbreviation while preparing the article in the computer. [15]
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1. What is "subject verb agreement" in a sentence? Why is this agreement necessary in any type of writing? Explain it with at least three examples. [10]
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1. Describe how you can use the online help or manual to find how to add a customized dictionary for technical words in your computer, and once added, how to open or close the dictionary. [15]
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1. Write a business letter to a Chinese computer company, Beijing for regular supply of assembled computers and computers parts as you are running a computer shop at New Road, Kathmandu. Include the issues or modality of payment and possible problems in business transaction. [15]
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1. Write iconic symbols for the following situations. [10]
a) Please keep this item always in this position and not upside down
b) Please keep this item safe from rain
c) Please handle with case as this item is very fragile.
d) Fresh-room for ladies
e) Please recycle this item
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1. Define what does by simple sentence, compound sentence and complex sentence. Give two appropriate examples to illustrate the definition of each type. [10]
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2. What major items are included under the reference of grammar unit in Technical writing courses? Give brief explanation of each item of grammar unit with suitable example [10]
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2. Write a job application on the basis of the given advertisement. Give your recent resume along with the application. [15]
International has a vacancy for a Computer Engineer to work on contract for
five years Interested
candidates with qualification and experience are Requested to apply within a
week to The Executive Manager Aakriti International Lazimpat
Kathmandu E-mail: |
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2. Edit the adjectives in the following sentences to make them correct and clear. [10]
a) Blue looks more better on you than Gray.
b) The reception was a really nice part.
c) My manager is really a nice person.
d) That is the baddest-looking outfit I have ever seen.
e) Meeting the president was a really nice part.
f) We had the seriousest conversation of the evening
g) I think she was more sharp than anyone else in the party
h) The clock is much more slower than my watch.
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2. Use a flow chart to show the total process in the computer from computer typing to printing and saving the material in a file / CD / pen drive. [15]
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2. Discuss briefly how you can choose and use table, graphs and charts [15]
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2. Write a newspaper article on "use of computer in Higher education" using headings subheadings, you should write it thinking about the aim and audience of your writing. [10]
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2. Prepare an imaginary data of 5 years of first, 2nd and 3rd year students. Show their pass rate of failure rate through graphs, if possible use different colour. [15]
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2. Write four paragraphs on advantages and disadvantages of using materials from different wave sites in preparing an article on future of solar energy in Nepal. [15]
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1. What is technical writing? Distinguish between technical writing and academic writing.
Technical Writing is the practice of
documenting processes such as software manuals or instruction manuals. There
are various types of product users and audiences. These audiences lie on a
different level on the basis of what they can understand and how they perform
various various activities. Technical writing focuses on these audiences and
hence makes sure that all these types of audience understand exactly what has
been intended to be delivered. Hence, Technical
writing is writing or drafting technical communication used in technical and
occupational fields, such as computer hardware and software, engineering,
chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance, medical, consumer electronics,
biotechnology, and forestry. Technical writing encompasses the largest
sub-field in technical communication.
Some of the differences between technical writing and academic writing are as follows:
Technical Writing |
Academic Writing |
is a formal-format based writing. |
follows informal format. |
is targeted to the audiences of all levels of understanding. |
is targeted for specific audiences. |
Technical writing contains factual and
straight forward content. |
Academic writing contains contents on
specific discipline or field. |
Technical writers should have expert
knowledge. |
Academic writers have learners knowledge. |
covers scientific and technical subjects. |
covers academic-based subjects. |
Its purpose is getting something done. |
Its purposes is to demonstrate what a
person knows. |
In technical writing graphics, charts
and numbers are used very frequently to support conclusion. |
In academic writing graphics, charts
and numbers are sometimes used to explain the concept well. |
Own or personal point views are not
included. |
Own or personal point of view may be
included. |
language is used. |
language is used. |
covers neutral content. |
covers opinionated content. |
follows unemotional tone. |
follows conversational tone. |
Audience of Technical writing may be
several people who are specifically belongs to the same technical field. |
Audience of academic writing may be a
teacher or students or some people related to filed. |
In technical writing the knowledge of
topic is more than the reader who is going through it. |
In academic writing the knowledge of
topic is less than the teacher who is evaluating the topic. |
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2. "Technical writing is written for both internal and external audiences." Justify with examples.
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2. Prepare a newspaper article in about 250 words on “the Use and Misuse of Mobile Phone”. [15]
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2. What is communication? What are the factors to consider in technical communication? [15]
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3. Write two paragraph on advantages and disadvantages of wireless communication (devices such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi) using these expressions: in short, in other words, namely, that is, for instance, however, finally, such as, otherwise, whereas. [15]
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3. Write a newspaper article in about 250 words on the use and abuse of “internet facility”. [15]
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3. What should one keep in mind when writing for the web? Discuss.
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3. Write five common acronyms in your area of study and their expanded meanings. [10]
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3. Arrange the following transition words into the categories of sequence, Examples, Contract, and Conclusion, and then use the transition words in your own sentence, however, instead, in addition, therefore, finally, particularly, in short, thus, such as, for example, otherwise. [10]
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3. Write instructions for installation and operation of the printer you have recently bought. [15]
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3. Critique your friend’s webpage and recommend revisions to prepare it for use in a job search. [15]
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3. Define each component of writing elements. How does each of them complement the other and what process or element makes writing readable? [15]
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3. What do you understand by "Mechanics of writing"? Describe briefly about major components of mechanics and their role in good writing. [15]
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3. Write a newspaper article in about 250 words making a comparison and contrast between different forms of computer set like desktop, laptop, palmtop or others based on their functions mode, facilities ease and access, difficulty and complexity (including technical description). [15]
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3. Write in detail on advantages and disadvantages using Facebook, Twitter and google+ for communication. In your write up use these expressions! in brief,whereas, however, though, even though, at first, in general, finally. [15]
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4. This is the initial lecture in computer class. Give clear instruction how to use computer in the computer lab. Give technical description of the computer so that student idea about the computer and its use becomes more technically dependable. [15]
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4. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of wide spread use of ‘e’ service in general and ‘email’ in particular in personal and institutional purpose. For example : e-banking, payment of service charges like telephone, electricity and drinking water and admission and result of colleges and universities. [15]
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4. What is graphic presentation technique? What are the advantages of the use of graphs, charts, pictures, and tables in technical communication? [15]
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4. Describe briefly the layout of a business letter. [15]
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4. Explain the importance of using table, illustrations, graphic presentation in an academic writing. Give some suitable examples. [15]
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4. Write instructions about loading photos in a file of the computer and how to use those photos in different facts of a seminar report of your college. Also give instruction about using photoshop program in the computer. [10]
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4. What is a summary? Describe the steps to follow to write informative summaries [10]
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4. Write a sample cover letter to accompany your resume for a position in your field to the following person. [15]
Mr. R. C. Shrestha
Uni Tech International GPO Box 0000
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2. As writing is not an overnight endeavor it follows a certain process. Discuss a process for technical writing.
The process of technical writing takes a considerable amount
of time to plan and review the entire documentation than to write. It follows a
specific set of steps. This process of technical writing can be categorized
into two different approaches. One, based on the approach a professional writer
takes, the means are defined, and the second is based on how the document goes
through various cycles or phases. The process of planning what to write plays a crucial
part in making our document or content creation time more valuable. On the
other hand, the review phase will be vital for ensuring whether our document is
officially sound and accurate as well as presentable to the audience or not.
Before beginning with the first word, it is necessary to collect some specific
information regarding the topic. So, it is a smart approach to plan first and
then write.
Other than these two processing stages, there are some other essential components that a technical writer should go through to prepare the document on any particular subject or topic.
· Preparing the Project: This process of making a document triggers as the technical document is requested to process. This process may be commenced by a colleague, an employer, or any client of your company or firm. As per the information gathered from the discussion, the preliminary requirements are definite. The technical writer needs to have a fair idea of what should be the document type, content, subject area, or domain of writing, scope, and goals, as well as the most important, who will be the target audience.
· Project Understandability: A conversation without understanding what to write in the document is valueless or of no use. The technical writer or author should have a clear understanding of the project. Questions that can be asked to clarify the project technicalities are another crucial stage for writing.
· Analyzing the Audience Thoroughly: After the client's early project preparation is done, the major writing factor is your audience. They are always at the forefront of the mind of technical writers. Usually, technical information won't change. So, the change will be how those facts are expressed understandably.
· User Understanding: For knowing for whom the document is being drafted, the writer should have to collect as much data as possible regarding who will make use of the document. It should focus on whether the audience has expertise in any particular field, or if that topic is entirely new to them, or whether they lie somewhere in between the above said.
writer has to keep in mind that the reader's goal is what guides the entire
writing progression where the documentation must fill their needs and the
answer to their questions.
For having a clear understanding of reader(s), the technical writer have to ask yourself the following questions:
- Who are they?
- What do they need?
- When will they be reading?
- Why will they be reading?
- Where will they be reading?
- How will they be reading?
these questions have been answered , then it is are to go and draft the entire
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4. Represent the following information in the pie chart [10]
Total number of cell phone users=8,50,000
Users of Nepal Telecom(cell phone)=5,50,000
Users of N cell =2,50,000
Users of UTL=50,000
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4. Discuss different forms of technical communications. Prepare a 'memo' and explain why is it a form of technical communication. [15]
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4. What is a press release? What steps should one follow to produce an effective press release?
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5. Write a technical description of a recently bought colour laser printer with its special features. If necessary give some sketches to clarify your description. [10]
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5. Give a technical description of a multimedia or a new desktop computer with its special features. [10]
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5. Write short notes on (any two): [15]
a) Writing
with a computer
b) Writing
in examinations
c) The
use of headings
d) Language
and style
e) Transition words
f) The
use of commas and semicolons
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5. Define "simple sentence", "complex sentence" and "compound sentence". Give three examples for each type. [10]
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3. What is ethics? How do an ethical dilemma and a legal dilemma differ? Discuss with examples.
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5. Read the following advertising and write a job application suitable and attach latest bio data with it. [15]
Teacher Wanted Swastik
engineering College has a vacancy for a teacher (Computer) as a full time
faculty. Qualified Candidate are suggested to apply The principal Swastik engineering College Sitapaila Kathmandu E-mail: |
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5. Imagine you are the Head of the Department of Computer Science an Information Technology and also imagine that you have conducted a Departmental meeting of all teaching staff. Now prepare a formal minute of the meeting with agenda and resolutions. [15]
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5. Read the following advertisement and write a job application, and attach your recent biodata with the application. [15]
Immediately wanted
Toyota Nepal has a vacancy for computer engineer to work on for 7 years. Interested candidates with computer bachelor/computer engineering qualification can apply within a week to the administration office of Toyota Nepal, Maharajgung, Kathmandu.
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5. Prepare a formal report of a seminar entitled “Role of computer in the media”. Each step of proceeding of the seminar and agenda of the seminar are to be duly included in the report. Include formation of seminar preparation committee, its meeting and resolutions. Summary of presentation, and major response of the participants.. [15]
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5. Give instructions for operating a personal computer. [10]
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5. Write a brief proposal to convince your manager to purchase a new computer for your use in the office. [15]
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6. It is said that the pace of modern time can be capture only by having right knowledge of using “Facebook, twitter, YouTube, g+”. Write two paragraphs on advantages and disadvantages of using the above. Your expressions should include these expressions “At first, on the other, for example, however, finally, namely, that’s why, such as”. [10]
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6. Write a technical description of your new laptop with its special features [10]
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6. Suppose you are the Head of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology and you have assigned a particular task to each student of 4th semester for class presentation through multimedia. Now prepare a formal report with informative summary of each student’s presentation [15].
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6. Write a letter to a business associate thanking him for referring a customer to you. [15]
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6. Explain computer-aided writing or explain what informative summaries are. [15]
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4. What are graphics? How are they used in technical writing?
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6. Define informative summary and prepare such a summary of a new book or a film you have recently read or enjoyed. [10]
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6. The Growing use of soft-games in computer has diverted young people away from the real physical games in the field. Discuss some pros and cons of computer-mediated games. [15]
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6. What's technical communication? How does it differ from other types of communication? What features help making communication 'technical'? [15]
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6. Write two paragraphs on advantages and disadvantages of using such devices like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Android, EDGE using the following expression, on the one hand, in brief, however, moreover, such as, whereas, for example, that is. [15]
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6. Write short notes on any two of the following: [15]
a) Writing minutes
b) Readability
c) E-mail
d) Technical
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5. Think of a subject or hobby about which you know a great deal. In a brief essay, describe how you acquired your knowledge.
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6. Requesting him or her to increase incentive for the hardworking employees, write a letter to your employer.
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5. Write a short report describing the writing skills a computer network administrator requires.
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7. Think of a time when something went wrong-perhaps a problem at college or work. After identifying and analyzing your audience, write an incident report describing the incident.
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8. You are working as the manager of an IT company. Write an email encouraging your staff to work for some additional hours every week so that the company and staff equally benefit.
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6. Write a letter to your employer requesting a two-day leave for a special event, such as brother or sister’s wedding.
Koteshwor, Kathmandu
The Manager,
ABC Company,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Subject: Application for leave
Dear sir,
Most humbly and respectfully, I would like to request you to kindly
grant me a leave for two days as I will have to go to Ramechhap for my
sister’s wedding. It is a part of my culture and I have certain roles to play
during the time of the wedding. Hence, my presence is essential day. Therefore,
I would like to request you to kindly comply with my request.
I promise to cover my missed tasks after I get back.
If there are any questions or concerns, you can reach me at 9843123456, and while on vacation, I will constantly be checking my email. You can reach me at during vacations.
Please let me know if my vacation request is approved, so I can book the flights and tickets accordingly. Thank you so much for the patience and consideration of my request.
Yours Sincerely
Project Manager
ABC company
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7. You are calling a client to set up an interview about a new type of Internet system in his or her office. What arrangements should you discuss with him or her? Make a list of at least three areas you need to cover in the phone call to set up an interview.
The three areas that need to be covered for the above-conditioned phone call interview are as follows:
Physical Description:
The technical description of an object generally starts with the general information, and proceeds to specific information. Regardless of the object being described, a physical description has the same purpose: to present the facts about the object.
An analogy is a formal comparison based on the resemblance of two unrelated objects or ideas. An analogy is useful only if the two concepts have more than one similarity. For technical audiences, we must include the specific details and terms used in the industry.
Technical descriptions sometimes compare unfamiliar objects or concepts to familiar objects or concepts. In technology, people need to express values, shapes, angles and joints in concrete, meaningful terms.
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9. Write a press release for your school or another organization with which you are affiliated to announce an upcoming event, an accomplishment, or other newsworthy information.
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8. Write an email encouraging your staff to work for some additional hours every week so that the company and staff equally benefit.
Subject: Working extra hours
Dear Staffs,
As we all know that this is the closing month of the official governmental and non-governmental institutions. By the end of this month, we will have to submit all our financial documents to the government. We have a lot more to cover up and this can only be made possible if we all put in a little extra more effort into our work. We all are working very hard for the office and I am proud of all of you. But I will be needing you to help me during this month by working an extra shift. I shall be providing overtime payments and lunch to all of you. This will benefit both the office and all of us too.
Sincerely Yours
XYZ school
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9. Write a brief newspaper article explaining the importance of training for the staff of a company.
Importance of Training staffs
Friday, 9th March, Kathmandu (PR):
Staffs are the building blocks of an organization. The success of an
organization totally depends upon the quality of the staff it holds. Staffs are
hence, important assets of an organization.
This is the technology of science and technology. Many of our works are now carried out with the tools provided by the technology. Hence, it is utterly important that our staffs are used to these tools. The offices have now started to provide trainings to staffs in the same field so that they can get a better profit. The companies where the staffs are trained to use these tools have also found to be performing tremendously better than the others.
Employee training and development programs are essential to the success of businesses worldwide. Not only do these programs offer opportunities for staff to improve their skills, but also for employers to enhance employee productivity and improve company culture. Hence, organizations should strive to train staffs so as to attain their foreseen goal easily and in a good time span.
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10. Based on your experience as an IT professional, write instructions for new aspirants, explaining how to begin career in this field.
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10. Based on your experience, write instructions for new students, explaining how to register for classes or for a particular program.
Instructions provide an overview of the
device, such as the purpose of the instructions or functional and starting
state of the device. Instructions also specify the materials including sizes,
part numbers and quantities needed to complete the procedure. In each step,
usually numbered, the writers use active sentence and imperative mood with the
use of second person pronoun 'you'. Instructions also include graphics when
needed for clarity or understanding the text, or add a description under the
graphic to orient the reader to the figure. A conclusion is also included at
the end of instructions so as to describe the final state or optional
Please follow the following instructions to register for a new class:
1. Collect enrollment form from the accounts
section of the school.
2.Fill up the form and submit it along with
your two recently taken photographs and a photocopy of mark sheet of previous
3. Submit the form and get the entrance
examination date.
4.Appear for the examination and wait for the
5. After your results are out, pay the
admission fee in the accounts section and get enrolled in the new classroom.
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11. Write a chronological resume highlighting your skills for a job in your field.
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12. Considering audience and purpose, write a short speech you are going to deliver in the inaugural session of the College IT Fair.
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11. Write a functional resume highlighting your skills for a job in your field.
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12. Considering audience and purpose, write a short speech you are going to deliver in the inaugural session of the College IT Fair.
Good morning everybody. Respected principal sir, teachers and my dear students. I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to share my few words in front of all of you during our IT Fair. We all know that this is the era of science and technology. IT is everywhere. Everything we do today have been made easier due to the advancement of IT. IT has not just made our works simpler, but has also helped us to do our work more efficiently and in short time.
I can see that various IT based projects have been set up by the students in the fair and I am very happy to see all the young innovative minds in the fair today. IT is the future and we should all be able to walk with it. The importance of IT cannot be explained in words. Robots, computers and name it- everything we see around us are the aspects of IT. They have made this big world a small place to live in. Telecommunication has been made possible due to IT.
Hence, IT has been playing an important role
in almost all the aspects today. I would like to request all of my dear student
to generate new ideas and take more participations in events like these so that
we can cope up with the changing world.
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13. Suggesting an action or a program, write a recommendation report to your ward office so that the entire environment of your community significantly improves.
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14. Write a brief proposal on a problem you have been facing as a student of your college.
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15. Imagine you are the manager of a company. You need to inform your staff that a new product is being launched on the occasion of New Year. Prepare a memo so that your staff understand and execute your plan.
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