Theory of Computation 2067
Attempt all the questions.
Group A (8x4=32)
1. Define finite Automata with ɛ moves.Is ɛ NFA has more computation power than DFA?
2. GIve the DFA accepting the string over {a, b} such that each string doesn't start with ab.
3. Give the regular expression for the following languages.
a. L={SS ∈ {a, b}* and S starts with aa or b and does not contains substring bb.
b. L={S|S ∈ {0, 1}* and 0 occurs in pairs if any and ends with 1.
4. Convert following regular grammar into Finite Automata.
5. Convert following grammar into equivalent PDA
6. What is a multi track Turing Machine? How it differs with single track machine?
7. Construct a Turing Machine that accepts the language of palindrome over {a, b}* with each string of odd length.
8. What is an algorithm? Explain on the basis of Church Hypothesis.
9. How a ε-NFA can be converted into NFA and DFA? Explain with a suitable example.
10. Find the minimum state DFA equivalent to the following DFA.
11. Show that a language L is accepted by some DFA if and only if L is accepted by s.
12. Define the language of PDA that accepts by Final State. Explain how a PDA accepting empty stack can be converted into a PDA by final state.
13. Explain about multi tape TM. Show that every language accepted by a multi-tape Turning Machine is also accepted by one tape Turning Machine.
14. Write short notes on:
Decidable Vs
Un-decidable problems.
Unrestricted Grammar
CNF-SAT Problem.