Theory of Computation 2069
all the questions.
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1. What do you mean by finite automata? Explain deterministic finite automata with example.
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2. Explain the finite automata with Epsilon Transition.
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3. Explain the closure properties of context free languages with example.
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4. Differentiate between deterministic and non-deterministic PDA.
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5. Explain the non-deterministic Turing machines with example.
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6. Define the Turing machine. What are the roles of Turing machines?
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7. What is a universal Turing machine?
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8. Differentiate between class P and class NP.
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9. Design a constructive method to prove that the complement of the language accepted by an NFA is accepted by a DFA.
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10. What do you mean by regular expressions? Explain with example of pumping lemma for regular languages.
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11. Define the non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) and write down recursive definition of for NFA.
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12. Draw Turing machine to accept palindromes over {a, b}.
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13. Give a detailed description of ambiguity in context free grammar.
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14. Explain the following:
Minimization of finite
state machine
Push down automata (PDA).
Halting problems
Computational complexity
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