Theory of Computation 2067-II
all the questions.
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1. What is DFA? How it differ with a NFA? Explain.
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2. Give the DFA for language of strings over {0, 1} in which each strings end with 11.
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3. For a regular expression (a+b)*baa, construct ε-NFA.
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4. Define the term parse tree, regular grammar, sequential form and ambiguous grammar.
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5. Give the formal definition of NPDA. How it differs with DPDA? Explain.
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6. Construct a Turning Machine that accepts a language of strings over (a, b) with each string of even length. Show how it accepts string abab.
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7. Give the formal definition of Turning Machine. How it differs from PDA?
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8. Explain about the Unrestricted Grammar.
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9. Show that a language L is accepted by some DFA if and only if L is accepted by some NFA.
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10. State and prove pumping lemma for regular language. Show by example how it can be used to prove a language is not a regular.
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11. Define Context Free Grammar. Given the following CFG.
S →0AS | 0, A → SIA| SS | 10
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12. Define deterministic PDA. Design a PDA that accept a language L = {anbn | n>0}. You may accept either by empty stack or by final state.
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13. Describe a Universal Turing Machine and its operations. What types of languages are accepted by Universal TM?
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14. Explain about the Chomsky Hierarchy of the language.
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