Theory of Computation 2073
all the questions.
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1. What is finite automata? Define DFA with suitable example.
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2. Differentiate DFA with NFA. Design an NFA accepting strings over {0, 1} that end in 01.
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3. Give formal notation for an ε-NFA with example.
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4. Write regular expression for the set of strings of 0's and 1's with at most one pair of consecutive 1's.
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5. What is CFG? Design CFG for palindromes with alphabets {0, 1}.
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6. What is PDA? How is it different from finite automata?
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7. Design a Turing machine that accepts the language {0n1n|n≥1} over {0, 1}.
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8. What is recursive language? Explain.
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9. Convert the following NFA into equivalent DFA.
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10. How do you convert a regular expression to automata? Convert the regular expression (0+1)*1(0+1) to auatomata.
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11. Convert the following DFA into minimum-state equivalent DFA.
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12. Convert the following CFG into CNF.
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13. Discuss the equivalent of PDA and CFG. Convert the grammar
to a PDA that accepts the same language by empty stack.
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14. Write short notes on:
a) Turing maching
b) Classes P and NP
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