Theory of Computation 2068
all the questions.
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1. Define finite automata. Give the formal definition of deterministic finite automata with example.
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2. Give the DFA for language of strings over{a,b} where no two consecutive a’s occurred.
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3. Show that language of palindrome over {a,b} is not a regular language.
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4. What do you mean by a CNF grammar? Convert following grammar in CNF.
→ AC|ɛ, A → aS|a, C → BC|aC|b.
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5. Define Deterministic Push Down Automata. How it differs with a Finite Automata.
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6. Give formal definition of Turing Machine. Explain the roles of Turing Machine.
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7. Construct a Turing machine that accepts the language of palindrome over {a,b}* with each strings of even length.
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8. What is universal language? Explain.
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9. Show that for any regular expression, there is a NFA that accepts the same language represented by r. Convert the regular expression (a+b) (aa+ba)* + ab(a+b)* bba into NFA.
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10. How a NFA can be converted into a DFA? Convert the following NFA into equivalent DFA.
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11. Define CFG. Convert the following CFG into Chomsky Normal Form.
S →
→ Aa|a,
B → Bb|b|ɛ
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12. Define the language of PDA that accepts by Final state. Explain, how a PDA accepting by empty stack can be converted into a PDA final state.
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13. Explain about multi tape TM. Show that every language accepted by a multi-tape Turing Machine is also accepted by one tape Turing Machine.
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14. Explain the following terms.
(a) Big Oh and Big Omega
(b) Class P and NP
(c) CNF SAT Problem
Turing Decidable and Acceptable problems.
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