Theory of Computation 2072
all the questions.
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1. Define the term: Kleene closure, union, concatenation and power of an alphabet with example.
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2. Construct a DFA that accepts only the strings ab, abb and baa not more from {a, b}*.
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3. Find the regular expression corresponding to the following languages over {0, 1}*.
a) The language of all strings containing exactly two 0's.
b) The language of all strings containing 00 or
as substrings.
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4. Construct the FA recognizing the language corresponding to the following regular expressions.
(11 + 10)*01
(111 + 100)*10
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5. State the pumping lemma for regular language. Show by example, how can you use it to prove that a language is not regular.
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6. Explain the method to convert a given CFG into equivalent PDA.
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7. What do you mean by problem reduction? Also explain about NP-Completeness.
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8. What is the role of a Turing machine? Explain.
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9. What is finite automata? Describe its different variations with suitable examples.
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10. Describe the method of subset construction to convert a given NFA into equivalent DFA with suitable example.
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11. Give the formal definition of Push Down Automata. Construct a PDA accepting the language
L = {0n1n | n > 0}
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12. Given the following grammar,
S → AAC |
A → aAb | ab | ɛ
→ aC | a | ɛ
Simplify the grammar and convert it
into equivalent grammar in CNF.
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13. Define Turing Machine. Construct the Turing machine that accepts the languages
L={anbn | n>=0}
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14. Write short notes on (Any two):
a) Unrestricted Grammar
b) Universal Turing Machine
c) CNF-SAT problem Complexity
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